Gerbils live in pairs or groups called clans – however, these clans aren’t all happy families even if they look it – they are simply ordered in the best way for survival.
And this is the key to keeping gerbils happy.
There is – unfortunately – no way of knowing if your gerbils will stay happy with their current set up, or whether they will eventually challenge it and have a declan (where there is fighting in the enclosure).
Gerbils all have their own fads and foibles and as such, even some hard and fast rules of what are deemed to be stable clan set-ups (like two males) may still declan.
Also, due to the differences between set-ups, the humans caring for them, varying clan environments and ongoing breeding plans – what works for one person might not work for the other.
So, there are no hard and fast rules of knowing for sure whether your gerbils will declan or not – but there are guidelines you could base your judgements on.
The Set-Up:
Having a large set up with many different sections and compartments all linked by tubes and tunnels can seem like gerbil heaven – but quite a few people believe that this can actually lead to declanning.
The idea behind this theory is that there is so much surface area in there with all the added layers that the distance a gerbil has to travel between sections is increased to the point where having more than two gerbils in it would mean that they might not all meet up and socialise.
They may start to spend more time in ‘their’ section rather than mingling – and then think that actually – they could make this section their own rather than stay in the same clan as the other gerbils. This is what could actually end up dividing the clan and making for a declan.

This most likely wouldn’t happen with just two gerbils – especially two who grew up together as similar aged pups – as gerbils love company and so two can’t really take sides – they both need each other for cuddles.
With 3 or more however, a bossy one could bully the other into sleeping with THEM rather than the other gerbils.
A recipe for disaster.
The Humans:
We all make mistakes – and moving a well used toy, house, wheel or tunnel from one clan to another without thoroughly cleaning it to rid it of scents can sometimes be all that is needed to start a declan.
Adding the scent of a rival gerbil to an existing clan can really spark things off – and take rival to mean any other gerbils at all. Sometimes it is quite innocent to misplace something – especially if you are cleaning more than one tank out at a time – but it is really important to concentrate on whose things are whose.
Don’t forget how delicate some of these clans are – so by adding something into the mix that weakens the status of the Boss all but seals their fate. Keeping your gerbils toys separate or incredibly clean is very important.

Upsetting a Clan:
If you can help it – don’t randomly take any adult gerbils out of a large clan for no good reason.
It is best for your long-term clan to not plan to keep a few gerbils together with the intention of homing some down the line or taking one or more out at a later date for whatever reason.
Similarly, don’t buy whatever you can find now for a pet and plan on adding more at a later date, either when you have the money or get a bigger tank.
Things that suit you don’t always suit your gerbils – and either of the above could spell trouble down the line for you and your little ones.
We already know how much effort goes into establishing and maintaining a clan where everyone has their place and it is at a point of delicate balance. Why would you mess with that?
Everyone in a clan has a position within it and plays a part in keeping it together – so suddenly taking one more more gerbils out or putting one or more gerbils in can really rock the boat.
Quite often, adding gerbils to an existing clan can actually upset things to the point where the original clan starts declanning leaving a new gerbil with an old clan member and the other old clan member out on their own. Or worse – EVERYONE on their own…
This does happen.
Taking gerbils out of a clan can cause the existing clan structure to collapse, leaving everyone scrambling around to claim the Boss position – I have heard many stories of people taking a single out of a trio for whatever reason – and then the two remaining gerbil declanning within days.
Don’t tamper with a clan unless you really have to – and if you do – always have spare tanks around for the possible fall out.
The Gerbils Themselves
It is usually, however, nothing you have done that causes a declan – but the gerbils themselves and their crazy gerbil hierarchy.
They can only have one Boss at any time and the Boss needs to be strong and in charge of the whole place. They need to have authority and be unbeatable.

The best way to accomplish this is to only have two gerbils – as then there is no ganging up on one or the other – no taking sides.*
Ideally they would be from the same litter or have grown up together from a young age as identically aged pups. This way – they have tussled with each other for weeks and months already and they know who is the Boss between them. And this bond is usually very strong and settled.
Alternatively you could put all the sons in with a father and he will always be the Boss – even when the pups grow up – they won’t mess with a healthy dad.
Same usually goes for a mother with just one daughter – preferably from her youngest litter as they haven’t ever been the boss of younger pups and are the most innocent.
If you want to go for more than 2 gerbils at a time – I would pick males from the same litter (or who have grown up as though they are) for the best bet. But two is still the safest.
You can however go for any combination of gerbils you wish at any time, but you can never tell if or when they will declan – or if they will stay friends forever.
From reading lots of forums you will often see people tend to steer clear of clans of three or more females – as they often end in a declan. Same goes for mixed clans of males – especially if two or more young pups have been introduced to a single male or female under a year old themselves.
*This is only really possible if you are buying young pups that are already in a pair or quad – so please don’t split up a trio to just take two – if they are already in a trio – then take the trio. Splitting pups up when they are so young leaves one alone when it might not need to have been. Not all trios declan – many stay together right to the end.

Is a declan that bad anyway?
As it is possible to spot the signs of a declan way in advance – if you know what you are looking for (see What are the Signs of a Gerbil Declan?) – then is this really an issue? You can have them together for as long as they want it, and then divide them up safely before there is a problem.
Splitting your gerbils up at the first hint of a declan isn’t being silly – it is planning ahead. Planning not to have any injured gerbils.
You know they will most likely split-tank together with another gerbil anyway (see Split Tank Introductions: Which Gerbils Are Best Together?) so why risk an injury for the sake of a spare tank?
A declan can happen at any time in a clan’s life – so why spoil the clan you have now – or the clan you are considering buying just incase they fight at a later date? Why not just enjoy them now as they are and have a plan in place to split them up should you ever need to in the future?
You may hear people saying that their existing clan is fine and that clans of 6 females are currently working for them – but then it is the word ‘currently’ that is the thing.
Most clans will work for a set amount of time if they are introduced correctly – unfortunately it doesn’t mean they will stand the test of time. But that isn’t a bad thing.
Enjoy your gerbils for the here and now if you already have them – but if you are starting from scratch and you can possibly avoid setting your gerbils up for a fall – they will certainly appreciate the effort down the line.
Good luck!