Duprasi Gerbil Breeders – UK

Are you looking for a duprasi in the UK and can’t find a breeder? 

To be honest, there aren’t many around and people often ask us where we got ours when we speak to them.  It took us quite a while to get started ourselves, so we have been where you are right now ourselves.

There are different lines too around the country, many originally from Europe, so you sometimes need to search around for a bit before finding one that suits you – and we would almost guarantee that you would need to put your name on a waiting list and talk to different people.

Duprasi aren’t as common as Mongolian gerbils and are a bit more fussy about mating than them too – so litters are few and far between.  But, they are being born fairly regularly across the country.

Scroll to the bottom of this article for current litters: (updated January 2025)

We have put some contact details at the bottom of the article here regarding breeders we know with healthy, well-researched stock and regular litters from a spread of individual duprasi and any litters known.

This will be a good starting point for you in your search for a duprasi – but there are other things to consider too.

Also bear in mind that average litter size for duprasi is about 3-6 pups – so sometimes a long-awaited litter is smaller than expected and can put the waiting time back a few months.

Also, we have had a whole litter of males and a separate litter of 4 females, so sometimes things don’t always match the requests of the waiting list!

Nature has her way – and right now iacross the country – there is a massive shortage of males doops!

Take Your Time:

The good thing about the fact you may have to search for your new doop for a while is that you have plenty of time to research your breeders as well as the doops themselves.

They have a slightly different habitat requirement to a ‘normal’ gerbil and so there are many different ways you can set up their habitat to suit their needs.  As they aren’t quite so eager to chew everything to pieces in 5 minutes (well most of them), you can have more of a decorative set up too – there are lots of natural-looking set ups to explore.

You can also look around at different duprasi ‘looks’ as there is such a thing.  There aren’t different colours of duprasi yet – well genetically that is – but duprasi do come in different shades of agouti.

There are two main ‘types’ of duprasi that people look out for – the Egyptian type (top image); which are wider, bigger and a bit more ginger-looking – and there is the Algerian type (lower image); which are slimmer and slightly duller with a more pointy face.

Another thing to check with your new breeder then – if there is a particular look you like – is what lines they are currently breeding as this could affect the waiting list you are put on.

They may only have one Egyptian female and so the chances of getting one of those is a bit slimmer from that particular breeder.  Another breeder however, may only have Egyptian stock so they might be better for you.

Remember though, you don’t need to reserve the first doop you find (unless all you want is a doop whatever it looks like) – you can find out more about its heritage, its appearance and anything else you want to know beforehand.

There are always more duprasi litters being born, so don’t rush into anything.

Happy To Wait:

If you really want the best doop you can get, then you will most likely have to join a waiting list and get all excited for weeks before they are finally yours!

Most good breeders are fine with this and will contact you throughout the waiting time with various updates. However some breeders won’t hold waitings lists so you have to keep checking back over and over with them and hope you get lucky?

Those breeders who do take details usaully send updates that contain information about when the litter is expected, when they were born, sexes available and homing dates.  They will often send pictures and videos on request too if you want.

It is also quite common for duprasi breeders to take a deposit (or full payment) beforehand to make sure that they have homes for all their pups in advance – as breeding requires a lot of steps and things to organise and plan.

Paying a deposit for your doop in advance gives breeders the knowledge that the home they are going to is with commited people who show their interest in more than just words.

They aren’t asking for your money in advance just so they have the cash – they are asking for it as a token of your intent to take on a new duprasi and be prepared for that responsibility.

Paying a deposit also means that you are taken seriously by the breeder – even if there are delays on your part.  If they have a good long waiting list and you can’t get back to them for whatever reason and you haven’t paid a deposit – they may assume you aren’t serious and move on to the next person on the list.

Whereas if you have paid a deposit or the full amount in advance – they will hold that baby duprasi for you for sure.

It works both ways.

Homing a New Duprasi

Another thing to consider is how to get your new duprasi home.

As breeders are dotted all over the place, you may not be able to get to that breeder to collect your new doop baby in person – and you don’t need to – many people will courier your pups for you.

Couriers are usually independant companies that will safely transport your duprasi pup from your breeder to your home the same day.

You would need to search around to find the animal courier that you were happy with of course – that wouldn’t be down to the breeder (although they may suggest one that they have used themselves) – unless they were happy to organise that for you and you paid them for that extra service in advance. Courier for a duprasi to and from most places in mainland UK is around £60-£100 all in from most sources (although if you want it done sooner it may cost more).

It is quite common for more unusual animals, like doops, to be couriered, so don’t be put off by your favourite breeder being a few hundred miles away…

If you don’t mind the drive yourself – perfect.  It will be a great day out.  Just make sure you have heating/cooling in your vehicle, a suitable carrier and some food and moisture (most likely a slice of carrot than a water bowl or bottle) for the whole journey home and everything should be just fine.

How exciting.

UK Duprasi Breeders:

There are a few duprasi breeders we know in the UK that are based in the following regions – hopefully one is close to you? If not, many can help advise on a trusted courier service. Several breeders have stopped pairing their duprasi over the past year and so known breeders are in short supply right now.

Below are breeders we have been speaking to for some time and we know they have been breeding fat tailed gerbils and other similar mammals – both common and exotic – for many years:

Hampshire/Surrey/M4 areaPUPS ALWAYS AVAILABLE – ready for sale now – various sources

East Midlands PUPS AVAILABLE NOW waiting list always ongoing – and mainland UK courier arrangement available all year

South Yorkshire –  PUPS DUE – ready to reserve – can include delivery service – UK wide

West Midlands (Birmingham area)BREEDER ON HOLD – updates from March 2025

Central Midlands (Leicester area)Breeding On Hold*

M4 Corridor (Swindon area)Breeder on holdfemales ready now – waiting for litters

South West – PUPS AVAILABLE NOW breeder happy to accept courier collections

M25/Dartford Tunnel area – – various lines can be reserved in advance

The South-East of EnglandPUPS ALWAYS AVAILABLE – various ages and sexes – both Egyptian and Algerian looking lines – some recently bred with duprasi stock from northern Europe

Yorkshire/NE EnglandBreeding on hold – Litter ready to reserve

Central ScotlandNEW BREEDERS FOUND – pairs togetherwaiting list ready

There are more breeders dotted around of course, and we will be adding to this list when we find them and learn a bit more about their lines and breeding details.

Do contact us here if you have any questions about duprasi including about breeding durasi or caring for duprasi pups – or to find out about new duprasi litters in the pipeline.

Current Duprasi Pups For Sale: Page Updated JANUARY 2025

459 thoughts on “Duprasi Gerbil Breeders – UK”

    • Absolutely – and sorry for the late reply Sarah.

      There is a lady in Lincs/Notts who I can forward your email to and hopefully she will be in contact with details…

      Hope you find yourself a happy new doop soon!



    • Hi sorry not sure how to add a ‘new’ comment. I am in the east midlands and would like another duprasi (obviously not keeping them together). I have a set up ready. Please could you give me the contact details? I am in derbyshire and willing to travel. I am also up in north east at moment so could collect from up here.

      • No worries Anna – I have forwarded your details to the breeder who supplied Sarah with her three doops – so they should be in contact with you soon. Watch out for their email.

        Best wishes,


        • Hi I don’t know how to make a new comment either and was wondering if you could supply me with the details of a breeder around north west way. I am planning on getting some soon and would like to know where the breeders are.

          • Hello there – and brilliant that you are looking to discover more about duprasi.

            In the UK, there are currently no breeders past Yorkshire really, although there are many that can travel with their stock (usually for rodent shows, etc) and more breeders still who allow for courier collection. There are a few rodent specialists who live in Scotland and they can sometimes act as transport too – so lots of options if you can only find a breeder further afield.

            There should be new pups available soon – after limited stock over the New Year – so if you tell us more about your requirements (single/pair, male/female, pup/anyage), and how far south you could travel yourself, we can start asking around to help match you up.

            Speak soon!!!!

    • Hello Chantel and welcome to the world of doops.

      The breeders I know in the Midlands don’t currently have any pups, but may well have some due soon (not ready for homing until mid-September at the earliest though).

      Would you be prepared to join a waiting list or are you looking for a pup sooner?


        • Hello Joshua.

          Absolutely, I will contact the breeder as I am sure she still has some available in the nest. Watch out for her email.


          • Hello Wendy.

            We have just found a breeder in Swindon – so I will pass on your details to them and they should get back to you (remember to check your junk folder).

            Fingers crossed you find a beauty!


          • Hello Charlotte.

            There is certainly a shortage of doops around right now across the whole UK, so even if you are happy to courier – there is still a limited number of regular sources.

            Everyone I am in touch with have no pups right now – but one in Surrey has at least got some in the nest if that isn’t too far away? Let us know if it is a possiblity and we can put you in touch with the breeder asap to get you on the reserve list.

            We will certainly keep you on our contact list so if anything else comes up near you we will be in touch.

            Good Luck,


      • Hi there, I can’t seem to click on anything to find a breeder near-ish Bedfordshire, are you able to put us in contact with anyone?

      • Hello! I’m very interested in keeping some Duprasi. I would love to know more about them…I’ve been doing some research and alot of information is contradictory so may I be put in touch with breeder who is willing to inform me and then maybe I’ll make the decision of being put on the waiting list within the Midlands.
        Thank you.
        Kind Regard

        • Of course Bethany.

          I will forward your details on to our popular duprasi breeder in the Midlands – and they would be happy to answer your questions to make sure that doops are the right pet for you.

          And that you have everything for them when they finally arrive!

          Look out for their contact email heading your way shortly…


    • Welcome to RodentZone – and I will certainly see if I can find out about breeders in Ireland for you…

      Unless anyone else out there already knows of someone?


        • No I haven’t unfortunately – and none of my colleagues have a name for anyone either?

          I can’t believe there isn’t anyone over there though? Perhaps contact Jackie at the National Gerbil Society and see if she has any contacts? Otherwise I might need to take a trip over there with a whole bunch and get things started!!!

          Keep me updated…


          • I’ve finally found one! It was a long shot but I heard of a woman who lived in Ireland and got a doop from her local pet shop. So I set out and called every pet shop in the province of Ireland until I found one a couple hours from me. They said they haven’t had one in years but could get one from their supplier. I really didn’t want to have to get one from a pet shop, I’d rather adopt or get one from a breeder, so I’ll hold out for a few more months just in case I hear of something.

          • Wow – great work on finding one.

            Just wondering though if anyone from Ireland ever comes over to the UK rodent or rabbit shows, as I attend many these days and we could maybe courier some over to Ireland with someone who is attending the show? You would just need to look at how importing rodents goes from your end and then researching breeders and showers in your area or any who pass near you on heir way home from the port?

            One of our breeders here currently has a litter of 6 for example, so if you wanted to import them you could get more than one at a time – and even unrelated ones if you found the right breeders.

    • Welcome to the Duprasi Fan Club!

      I will contact breeders I know in that area and see if anyone has any available. Are you looking for a young pup – or any age female?

      Speak soon.

    • Hey Rosie – a breeder in the East Midlands has a new litter, with pups ready for homing around mid-October.

      Sexes currently unknown right now as they are newborns and are still buried in the nest, but I can get them to email you for your details and get you on the waiting list?


  1. Hey,
    Are there any male or female pairs of gerbils in hampshire, maybe near portsmouth or southampton? I’d prefer young pups but as long as there younger than 2-3 months i will look into it!

    • Hey Felicity – thanks for coming to Rodentzone for your doop updates.

      And yes, as far as I am aware, there are some male doops for homing in the north Hampshire area – I will find out for you and email the details over. Unless you were just meaning Mongolian gerbils?

      Unlike Mongolians, doops don’t tend to live well together for any length of time though. Let me know which ones you mean…

  2. Could you put me in touch with a gerbil breeder in my area please?
    I live in Gainsborough. Basically between lincoln, Scunthorpe, and Doncaster.

    • Hello Emma and welcome to Rodentzone.

      I shall forward your details onto the breeder in your area – so watch out for their contact details coming your way.

      Have fun with your doop!

    • Hello Emma.

      I know a breeder near Lincoln with pups in the nest right now – and depending on the sex you want – there could be a pup from an earlier litter already waiting for a home.

      I will forward on your email – so do look out for her to contact you real soon…

      Thanks again for commenting and happy doop hunting,


  3. Hello! I’m not sure if my previous attempt to contact you worked or not! I am in Nottingham and would like to be put in contact with a close-ish Doop breeder please?

    Many thanks

    • Absolutely Karen, I shall let the breeder in that area have your email details and they should make contact as soon as they pick it up.

      Watch out for it in your inbox (or junk) and have fun with your new little doop!

      Kind regards,


  4. Hi – i picked up Wilf last weekend and he is gorgeous! He has a huge tank and likes to bury himself into an inaccessible corner but once I get him to somewhere I can pick him up, he just wants to snuggle- can be asleep in my hand within minutes wanting to be stroked from his jaw right down his side and opening one eye if it stops! When he gets a bit sweaty the second choice spot is behind my ear against the sofa or inside my jumper back there. He really is a wee smasher! Thanks for your help in finding him!

    • Wilf – what a lovely name for a doop!

      Glad you were able to find your perfect little one through our website – and hope you have many more snuggles through the years. I do love it when they realise you have stopped stroking them and have a quick look at you to see why.

      And it’s always good to hear that the breeders we are working with are doing a great job too – and you only contacted our site a week ago – so quick work indeed.

      Thanks again for your comments Karen, really appreciated.


  5. Hi, can you tell me if there are any breeders in South Lincolnshire (Boston / Lincoln) area, but don’t mind travelling. Thanks

    • Hello Deb. You’re in luck.

      A breeder in Lincolnshire currently has a pup available to be collected in the next week – amongst others (if you prefer a later date for collection).

      I will forward your details to them right now, so look out for them to make contact shortly.


    • Hello there Lara. Thanks for contacting us here at RodentZone – and you may be in luck.

      Our East Midlands breeder is travelling down your way in the next few weeks so could potentially arrange a drop of. I will forward your details to them so watch out for their first contact.

      Hope it all goes well.

  6. Hi
    My daughter is very excited to be getting her first pet gerbils. We’re getting everything set up and hope to get 2 males that she can ideally settle in during her half term holiday. We’d like to buy from a reputable breeder rather than a mass commercial outfit, so would be grateful if you could recommend breeders in London/Essex/South East? Thanks!

    • I can see why she is excited – gerbils are the best! I remember when I got my first pair – I couldn’t sleep the night before. Mind you I still get excited even now when I am collecting a new gerbil and I’ve had them for years…

      Anyway – just to clarify – are you looking for the standard Mongolian gerbils (slender/long tail) or the fat-tailed gerbil (pancake-like/worm tail). I know breeders of both in that area of the country – just need to confirm before I contact anyone for you. And which area is your prefered collection area so I can narrow it down for you too?



      • Hi. I am in Nottingham and I am looking for a baby Duprasi. I am happy to travel within a couple of hours drive.
        Thanks, Kristan

        • Hi Kristan – you may well be in luck!

          We have a breeder in Derby who has pups ready in the next few weeks if that would be suitable?

          We may have a breeder in Leicester with pups right now too – but it is a littler further out.

          Do let us know your thoughts so we can get you matched up with either of those two.

          Kind regards,


          • Thanks RodentZone. That’s great. I am happy to travel to Derby or Leicester. I lost my previous Doop about 6 months ago and it will be lovely to have another around. Ideally I would like a baby who is used to being handled.

          • Hello again. The breeder with pups available now should be emailling you shortly – so keep an eye out for their first contact. Check your spam folder for the next 48 hours too – just incase it ends up there…

            How exciting!

          • Just checking Kristan if you have arranged anything with the Leicester breeder yet?

            Hopefully it is all sorted and maybe even already collected if they had something suitable for you??


        • Hi Ben – there are a couple of breeders within a hour or so drive of you – and there is one in North Kent who had some pups late last year but we are not sure what 2022 has for them yet.

          Otherwise, always a main breeder in Sussex and another in Surrey who have pups right now for sure. How far is too far to travel for you?

          Kind regards.


  7. Hi,

    Thanks for all the information you’ve put together.

    We are looking for a breeder in the South East (we are in Brighton) Happy to travel to Surrey if you are able to put us in touch.

    Many thanks

    • Hey Richard, thanks for getting in touch.

      I do actually know a breeder who is in Brighton so I shall forward them your details – watch out for their email.

      Doops are great!


  8. hi, I’m in Yorkshire and wanting a doop. could you please put me in touch with any breeders nearby or even ones that may travel to a nearby hamster show (thats how i got my Chinese hamster to me from down south)

    • Hey Pheobe – whereabouts are you in Yorkshire? I know a breeder in Lincolnshire already.

      Unless you have any shows coming up anywhere that you know of in different locations – let me know – and I can see if any other breeders might be more suitable…

      Speak soon,


      • hi, I’m in leeds but dont mind driving a hour or two. as for hamster shows ive only ever been to the otley one but I know there is also one in maple well, south yorkshire in december and one in bradford early next year.
        from phoebe

        • Ah, so quite close to a busy fat-tail breeder in Lincolnshire – so I shall pass them your details and hopefully you can start talking doops!

          I know they have some ready mid November and maybe another litter expected any day now, so I am sure they will be right for you.

          Thanks again, and watch out for their email coming soon…


  9. Hi
    Thanks for your reply. Apologies, I was checking my email so hadn’t realised you’d been in touch!

    We’re looking for standard Mongolian gerbils. Stratford East London would be ideal, as would one sandy male & one black male, but that’s a lot to ask!! Just 2 healthy, happy, friendly gerbils is the main criteria.


  10. Hi there, my partner and I are long term gerbil owners, we have our own social support group for their care with over 700 members so take caring for them extremely seriously.
    We have gone to great lengths to ensure that the guys we have have always been at a good health etc and recently we spent over £200 saving one of our boys from skin cancer. It was worth it. And I’d do it again in a heartbeat. A lot of people don’t take their health seriously and would rather the animal be pts, but we are not wealthy at all, we sold varies items to be able to get Dave his surgery. And would do it again if necessary.

    We are writing about the possibility of being put on a waiting list for a duprasi or being able to adopt or (hate using this term) buy one

    We do live in the south west of England. But are willing to travel for the right critter.


    Jade and Jack

    • Hello Jade and Jack.

      What a lovely story – you really do take your gerbils seriously – and like you said – I totally agree that they are worth every penny where there is hope. Dave must be a happy chappy right now…

      As for doops, I will have to see if I can find anyone in your area – otherwise I will check if anyone else is travelling around the country in your direction. Whereabouts in the South-West are you? Near the top or right down near St Michaels?

      Speak soon,


    • Hey Wendy.

      I do know a breeder in the South East – so I will forward your details to them right now.

      Do you want the males to live together, do they need to be the same age even, or are you looking for two unrelated singles?

      Speak soon,


  11. You’ve got some great information on doops on your site. Please could you put me in contact with a duprasi breeder near London? Thank you 🙂

    • Thank you very much Isabel; we try very hard to write about all sorts of doopy things on here to a high standard.

      As for doop dreeders near London – whereabouts in or around London are you, as although I don’t yet know any doop breeders within the M25, I know a breeder in Sussex, one in Surrey and one who regularly drives up and down the M1 and M11 – so if any of those could be suitable – do get back to us here with your preferred location. Then I will get one of them to contact you for more details…

      Thanks again,


    • Hello Holly.

      The closest duprasi breeder to you that I have contact with right now is in Lincolnshire, so that isn’t to far is it? I will give them your details and see if that will work out for you.

      Watch out for their email…


  12. Hello, I live in the South East, surrey,

    I have a male and female whom are too old to breed but co-exist very well together and have done for years now. I have been thinking about getting another, perhaps a new pair .

    I don’t suppose you know anyone who would be able to help me?

    Thank you

    • Hello Michaella, and yes, I know a few breeders who may be able to help you out.

      We have a breeder in Surrey itself if you were prepared to wait as she currently has no pups; and also a breeder in Sussex who has a few which are unrelated – which could be perfect for you. I will contact them and find out what they have…


  13. Hi, I live in South Yorkshire and am looking for a breeder. Your East Midlands link above says there are Algerian pups available now? I’d like some more information please.

    • Hello Sarah

      Yes, that breeder is attending the Bradford Small Animal Show in Doncaster this Saturday, and they have available pups. I will get them to contact you – so watch out for their email shortly.

      The Algerian type are usually smaller than the Egyptian type although there has been a lot of mixing up of the two. We are hoping to run some projects this year to try to create some definite mrkers for each type.

      Anyway, thanks for visiting our information pages, and speak soon,


  14. Hi there,

    I’m also keen on finding a Duprasi breeder (preference for Egyptian type) in the South Yorkshire area if you wouldn’t mind letting me know if there is a breeder close by.

    Thanks very much,

    • Hey Chris.

      Yes, there is a breeder in Lincolnshire who currently has pups for sale – so I will pass your email to them and they will contact you asap to confirm your details and what you are after specifically. I am sure they have both males and females currently ready.

      Anyway – watch out for their email.


      • Hey Chris – I hope your doop has settled in well and is everything you were thinking they would be. Glad we were able to help link you up with a breeder near you.

        Have fun!


    • Hello Briony and thanks for your interest in doops!

      The closest breeder I know of to Kings Lynn is our main breeder in Lincolnshire – so I will forward your details to them and see if they can help out. They travel around the UK a lot, so sometimes if you are on their route somewhere or near a show etc, they can deliver too.

      Anyway – look out of their email shortly…


  15. Hi

    I’m looking to find a Duprasi breeder around Birmingham or midlands, would you have any contacts. Also do you know any breeders for Lemmings.

    Thank you

    • Hi there Amanda.

      The nearest breeder I have good details of so far is in the East Midands (Lincs/Notts). I haven’t found anyone breeding over closer to your way yet although I am sure there is someone.

      I can certainly get the breeder above to contact you about her availability anyway as she often drives across the country and may well be due to be passing your way in the next few months.

      As for lemmings – I used to know a breeder in Sussex, but I am sure they stopped recently. I will see what I can find out anyway and will report back here.

      Speak soon,


  16. I live in Hindhead – I was looking for 2 female mongolians gerbils or 1 female duprasi for my daughter.
    We have everything ready to go! We have a Gabry 50 (glass tank) from pets at home but I’m worried that’s too small – advice welcome.

  17. Hello
    After the loss of my last duprasi in 2016, i’m finally ready for a new baby, I’m in Dorset, do you know of any breeders down south please?

    Many thanks


    • Hello Rachel.

      Unfortunately I don’t have contact details for anyone in your area right now, which is a shame.

      There are often small animal shows where people can transport animal between breeders, or a courier could be arranged from any breeders. I know a breeder in Surrey and another in Sussex which may be your closest known breeders if you were to travel yourself.

      Let me know your thoughts and I can get someone in contact with you.

      Speak soon,


    • Hello Alesha – and you aren’t the first person the ask this question.

      I have a breeder right now who is looking at the practicalities and costs of shipping to Ireland, as I think it is totally possible – it would just be getting the right numbers over there and hopefully finding someone who wants to become a breeder, so there is always an outlet there.

      Are you looking for just pets or are you considering breeding too?

      How exciting,


    • Hello Sam.

      I currently don’t have details for anyone in that area for either doops or harvest mice. However, there are a few breeders who travel around and may well be able to pass by your way sometime – it depends how soon you were looking to get some.

      I know our East Midlands breeder has both right now, but not sure on their travel arrangements for the next few months. Perhaps I could get them to contact you and you can discuss details and see if they can be of assistance. How does that sound?

      Let me know if you are happy for me to do that.

      Speak soon,


  18. Hi we recently had a visit to our nursery with all her animals one if which was a duprasi. I fell in love with it instantly and decided that was what i wanted. I have small grandchildren and I would love to be able to allow then to pet and hold them. The lady said these were the most apt animal to introduce to them so please if anybody knows any breeders in the rotherham South Yorkshire area please feel free to email me with details.

    • Hello Amanda – and you are right – doops are so friendly and easy to handle – well most of them are anyway (there are the odd ones who aren’t too keen on being handled in their enclosure but are nearly always fine once in your hand/lap etc).

      I have a breeder I know in the East Midlands who I will get to contact you shortly about their availability and you can go from there.

      I hope you find the perfect doop for your grandkids…


  19. Hi we live in Buckinghamshire and looking for a duprasi for our family! Do you know if there are any breeders in our area?
    Thanks so much 🙂

    • Hey Mikki.

      I know someone who is arranging a duprasi pick up from a breeder in the south of England and they will be passing your way with some female pups of theirs if you are interested?

      I’ll get them to email you with the details if that is ok – so look out for their first contact.

      Good luck!

    • Hello Jane. I don’t know any active breeders in Shropshire yet, but if you are mobile, I might know someone who can help you out.

      Watch out for an email from a breeder who is doing a rodent run next week and may be able to help you out…

      Hope it all works out,


  20. Hi! Thank you for creating this website, its been a great help in my research! I was wondering if you happen to kmow of anyone with pups in the North-East/Northumberland area?

  21. Hi there
    I am looking for a breeder with expert knowledge in the Doncaster area. If you know of anyone please could you advise me or pass on my email address urgently. Many thanks.

    • Hi there Ali.

      I know a breeder who works around half an hour from Sheffield – but none closer right now that I know of. I will give your details to them and they will email you to see if they are suitable.

      Watch out for it in your inbox.


  22. Hi, my son has fallen in love with duprasi and would love to have one or two (do they live in pairs like Mongolians?), is there a breeder in West Midlands area please? Thanks

    • Hello Janet – and your son has found the cutest little critters out there right now.

      Duprasis though do tend to get on fine by themselves and don’t seem bothered by it at all – just like Syrian Hamsters – however, they can and often do live in pairs but there is talk of declanning with doops, just like with some Mongolian gerbils. It is an area of their care that is still being experimented with so all feedback is welcome here so e can build on people’s experiences.

      I do have a new breeder recently contacted in the West Midlands, who may have some pups on the way – I will have to check, but our popular breeder in the East Midlands has a nest full of pups ready to go in the next few weeks. I will pass your contact details over to them both and you can go from there.

      Good luck, and have fun!


  23. Good Morning,
    I live near Holmfirth (Huddersfield) and would be grateful if you could let me know of any Egyptian Duprasi breeders (happy to drive an hour or two!) in my area please?

    Many thanks.

  24. Hi, can you please recommend a bushy tail jird breeder in the UK. Preferable close to London. Thank you!

    • Hello Daniela.

      Unfortunately I don’t yet know any bushy-tailed jird breeders in the UK – I will certainly ask around now that you have asked us of course – and I will get back to you here with my findings…

      Thanks for asking about new and exotic jirds – it is always good to find out more about something new.


  25. Hi, I was just wondering if you knew of any breeders close to the Cornwall area or know of any breeders that will accept a courier that have a Duprasi pup ready now? Any help would be greatly appreciated 😊

    • Hello Michaela and yes, I know a few breeders who have pups available right now and accept courier collections.

      Do you have a prerefence to the age, sex and ‘type’ or duprasi as that could help direct me to the best breeder for your requirements.

      Speak soon,


  26. Hi Rodentzone, That’s great news! I’m after a female that’s preferably under a year old but have no preference on what ‘type’ of Doop. I’m just looking for an awesome little Doop buddy that I can spoil 🐹

  27. Hiya, I’m based on the Isle of Wight if you can put me in touch with a Hampshire/South coast breeder please 🙂
    Enclosure is currently being created so won’t be for a few weeks, thanks!!

    • Hiya Fay.

      I know two breeders who could possibly meet you in the Hampshire area, so I will pass on your details and you can make plans for when you are ready for your new friend.

      Watch out for their emails…


  28. Hi, I’m looking for a duprasi that’s nice and handlable to join an Education team – preferably a pup but doesn’t have to be. I’m in Bristol but can travel needs be – please let me know if you know of any that may be available!

    Many thanks,


    • Hey Carys,

      We are getting a lot of people who want (or already have) a doop in their handling collection. They fit the bill perfectly for cuddles (all bar the odd grumpy one).

      I will certainly contact a few breeders close by you that I know and hopefully one or more of them will have some doops that fit the bill. Watch out for their email…

      Kindest regards,


  29. Hiya,

    Funnily enough like Carys above, I’m also wondering if you could let me know of any duprasi breeders around Bristol.

    Thanks so much,


    • Brilliant.

      Felicia, I shall recontact the breeders and let them know there are two of you as this can make transport/couriers easier if needed.

      Speak soon,


    • Hey Sophie.

      Leicester is in an area often supplied by one of the breeders listed on this article – and I believe they have doops available right now – so I will pass them your details for sure and they will be in touch to see if they can help get you your little one.

      Good luck,


  30. hi, do you or any of your contacts know a breeder in the Netherlands? I’ve tried looking myself, but I can’t find any. I’d rather buy one from a breeder than from a pet shop.

    • Hello Laetitia.

      Sorry, we don’t have direct contact with anyone actively breeding in the Netherlands right now. However, there is a great doop group on FB that has breeders from Denmark and Sweden posting for sure on there, so perhaps it also has members from the Netherlands watching in? Maybe go take a peek and ask around on there: search for ‘Duprasi som sällskap’.

      If not come back to us and I may have some other avenues to try for you.

      Speak soon,


    • Hello Lisa – and yes – there is a female doop youngster available right now near you – so I shall get the breeder to send you some details and see if we can sort you out with a new doop…

      Thanks for visiting.


    • Hello Amy.

      I do know a breeder over in that area – and I believe they have some young pups ready to be reserved.

      I’ll get in touch with them and see what they have – so watch out for their email over the next few days…


  31. Hi. Does anyone have any durprasi for. Sale. I’m in lincolnshire but also travel to Surrey and Hampshire occasionally. Thanks

    • Sorry Jackie – seemed to have missed your comment here. And yes – I know a breeder in Lincolnshire and one in Hampshire, so I will contact them both and see what they have available right now.

      Apologies again for the delay.


    • Hello Roger.

      Whereabouts are you located in the UK and we can see if there is a breeder near you that we know.

      Speak soon


  32. Hello,
    I am located in Yorkshire and am looking for a female pup. Could you please put me in touch with the closest breeders. Would be willing to travel 1-1 1/2 hours if need be 🙂

    • Hello again Sam.

      Please see our other comments in the Lincolnshire thread – hopefully a breeder with female pups within easy reach of Yorkshire will be in touch shortly.



    • Hello Kim.

      I know one of our most popular breeders often drives around the country a lot and one of their usual routes is down the M11 through Essex, so this shouldn’t be a problem. There is also a breeder in Sussex who doesn’t travel though, but may also have doops. I will contact both with your details – so watch out for their contact.

      Good luck,


  33. Would you be able to put me in contact with some breeders in the Hampshire area? I looked after Duprasis in college and have been looking for them ever since!

    • Absolutely Keesha.

      I know a breeder in Hampshire who I will pass your details to – and they always have quite a selection of doops available. Hopefully they will be in touch with you soon with an update and you can go from there.

      Watch out for their email…

      And happy dooping,


  34. Hi i’m in Norfolk looking for a baby doop but willing to travel if necessary ,are there any near me or if not could you let me know the closest please ,Claire

    • Hello Claire, and thanks for visiting RodentZone.

      You will be pleased to hear that we have a popular breeder right next door in Lincolnshire (depending on where you are in Norfolk of course). I believe they have just had two litters of pups born this weekend as well as a few older pups stil looking for homes.

      I will give them your details and they can contact you and see if you are close enough to work something out between you. I know that they do travel to Norfolk throughout the year as well.

      Anyway, look out for their email coming soon and good luck in your search.

      Kind regards,


  35. Hi,

    I am looking to get hold of some Jirds, or fat sand rats was wondering if anyone knows of any for sale anywhere? Based in Nottingham, but am happy to travel.

    Thank you in advance,


    • Hi the Amy.

      And no unfortunately I don’t currently know any jird breeders in the Midlands, or many across the UK either. I have been putting a few feelers out in the last 6 months and nothing certain has really come up. I know someone in Sussex breeding Cheesmans gerbils, but all other jird keepers are just keeping them right now.

      If any one else out there knows of anyone – please chip in!!!


  36. Hi,

    I am looking for a duprasi breeder in Cornwall or one who would be happy to courier. I have kept duprasi for a number of years but cannot buy any here anymore. Any help would be appreciated.

    my thanks


    • Hello Claire and sorry for the delay in replying.

      I don’t have details of any duprasi breeders in your area but do know several who would be happy to courier, so I shall pass your details on to the nearest few and you can go from there.

      Are you looking for one or two as pets, or are you looking for some breeding stock from different lines?

      Do let us know and we can narrow it down for sure..



  37. Could I kindly ask you to forward contact details for breeders in Surrey/Sussex/Kent area please? Thanking you in advance.

    • Absolutely Jacqueline.

      I shall forward your details on to a breeder in Surrey if that is alright – and hopefully they have pups available for you.

      Enjoy your new doop…


    • Absolutley Sam – they should be in contact soon… (don’t forget to check your junk mail).

      Happy doop hunting,


    • Remember to check your junk mail everyone – breeders first contact may not go straight to your inbox so you won’t find out about their pups.

    • Hey Sarah.

      I have forwarded on your details to three breeders who regularly sell doops in the South East and you can see which suits you best when they contact you.

      Kind regards,


  38. Hi, could you forward my details to any breeders or tell me if there are any doops available now or due soon in the midlands area please, or even further afield, as I don’t mind travelling.

    • Hey Pete.

      There are doops ready for sure in the East Midlands with our popular Lincolnshire doop breeder – they have two litters reday for homing in the next two weeks.

      I shall forward your details on to them, but if you are more West Midlands, they can usually work around it too.

      Look out for their email (maybe in your junk),


  39. Hi,

    I’m looking to get a duprasi in time for my daughter’s birthday in early December, ideally near Milton Keynes/Northampton area.

    Can you help please?

    • Hello Helen.

      Well you are certainly planning in advance which we love to see with pets.

      We do have a few breeders we are trying to get hold of in your area, but we do have a breeder who often drives past your way – so I will give them your details for starters, and I will forward you anyones elses details as I get them incase they are nearer or have pups sooner.

      Good luck,


  40. Hi, how can I get hold of the the details for the breeders with litters in the areas of Hampshire/Surrey/M4 area, East Midlands and south east England please?

    We don’t mind travelling!


    • Hi Louise.

      I can get the breeders to contact you wherever you are based or visit most often. One breeder is visiting the Bracknell Small Animal show next Saturday (the 14th) and will have pups for reserving there.

      I shall forward your details to them – so watch out for their email shortly.

      Kind regards,


  41. Hi,

    Could you please forward my details to any breeders near me with doops available now or due soon? I’m in the South East area and don’t mind travelling.

    Thank you in advance for your help!

    Kind regards,


    • Hi Kayleigh.

      Yes, we do have breeders all over the south who might be able to help you out – especially if you don’t mind travelling. I’ll send a few your details and hopefully one of them could help you out.

      The start of something great for you…


    • Hello Rachel.

      Absolutely we do – we know a breeder in Lincolnshire for sure and I know that they currently have duprasi pups for sale – so I will forawrd your details to them and they should be in touch – remember to watch your junk mail just in case.

      Hopefully your dream doop is within reach!


  42. Hi, we are looking for a duprasi pup and are wondering if you could put us in touch with a breeder in Northern England or Scotland. We live in Edinburgh but would be willing to travel. We just bought a new house and would love to share it with one of these Little guys.

    Kind regards,

    • Hello Simon.

      We do have contact with a breeder in Scotland, but I am not sure whether they currently have any stock – I assume it was a pup you were after?

      Anyway, I will contact them and give them your details and hopefully they can help out. If not, I am sure there are other ways of getting a little one to you via other small animal lovers attending various shows around the country.

      Let your quest begin…


    • Hi Shaun.

      Our Lincolnshire breeder currently has a few litters of doops that will be ready in the next few weeks – I will get them to contact you and see what they can sort out…

      Good luck,


  43. Hi. My daughter is looking for a fat tailed gerbil. We live in birmingham. Happy to travel within reason. Do you have any contacts please? Thanks

    • Hello Theresa.

      We don’t currently have any details of breeders in your area on our records – although I am sure there are plenty of litters around in your area. Have you joined the FB duprasi group as someone may have the odd litter and would be able to help you on there.

      Our breeder in the West Midlands recently stopped breeding, but we still have active breeders in Surrey and the East Midlands who may be able to help out if you travel a bit – or suggest a car share/drop with other buyers from your area?

      Let me know your thoughts?


    • Hello Laure – and yes, we have a regular duprasi breeder just south of you there – so I will pass them your details and see if they have what you are looking for.

      Watch out for their email as it may go into your junk folder depending on your settings.

      Good luck with your search,


  44. Hi, I’m looking for a duprasi in time for Christmas and can travel. I’m in Wiltshire (south west). Any chance you could put me in touch with breeders either locally or within a 2 hour drive please? Thanks so much and Merry Christmas!

    • Merry christmas to you too Kirsty.

      I have messaged a breeder in Surrey to see if they have any ready to go before the big day – if they DO – they should be in touch soon. If not – I may have another breeder I can contact – but they are further away and you would have to travel to them.

      Fingers crossed for success on the first try.


  45. Hi I am in Herefordshire, where would the nearest breeder be to me? I really like the Egyptian but I don’t really mind if it isn’t. I just think they are adorable 😍
    Would a large plastic box with a wire mesh lid be suitable for them? Or would I need a tank?

    • Hey Heather – and you are right – the chunky Egyptian types are so adorable to look at…

      We have a contact in South Wales who has just had a litter so I can see if they are all reserved or not yet – otherwise there are other breeders who travel around to shows who may be passing your area that we can chat to. Were you after a male or female – and is it specifically a pup you want?

      As for the large plastic box with a wire mesh lid – that is totally fine as long as it is: a) very well ventilated at the top; b) can’t be easily chewed through (as doops can chew as good as any Mongolian if they want to – which I must admit isn’t very often at all – but they can get out of a plastic enclosure in one night if they put their mind to it; c) larger in length and/or width rather than height (doops don’t do as well as other animals with high ledges and ladders) and; d) tall enough to accomodate at least a 28cm diameter wheel (they LOVE to run).

      Speak soon,


  46. Hi,
    I am looking for a duprasi. I live in Sheffield, South Yorkshire but willing to travel about an hour.

    I would be grateful if you could out me in touch with a breeder who has some available.

    Best regards


    • Absolutely Mark – someone will contact you as soon as they can.

      Our breeder near Worksop has plenty of doops and pups.



  47. Hi,

    I am looking for a Duprasi. I am based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire but willing to travel about an hour to collect (in car). I would be grateful if you could put me in touch of any breeders in the are that have babies available.

    Much appreciated,


    • You are keen – just seen you have posted again while waiting for a doop.

      Think I also saw you in the FB group – so e can certainly help sort you out with a young duprasi in the next few weeks.

      Perfect timing.


  48. Hi, there!
    I’m looking for a pet duprasi, I live in Derby and it’s really hard finding one that’s close to me. If you have any info on breeders close to Derby then please contact me.

    Thank you!

    • Hi Eesa – you have come to the right place – it’s possible that our breeder from Linconshire has got some pups available in the next week.

      I know they have three litters right now but I also know that many of them are already reserved – but I will certainly pass you their details as it is possible they will have a pup available for you before the end of the month (if you want a male).

      Fingers crossed…


  49. Hi

    Im looking for 4 same sex baby gerbs. I live in north wales and am struggling to find anything locally 🙁 can anyone help please

    • Hey Karen – are you looking for duprasi or Mongolian gerbils here?

      Thanks for clarifying any further details here, like which sex, which ages and whether they are all to live together, etc.


  50. Hiya, I am looking for a breeder near rugby, do you know of anyone and could you send me their phone number/email. thank you very much.
    Kind regards

    • Hello Tegan and welcome to RodentZone and the world of Duprasi – however unfortunately – I don’t have details of any breeders in Rugby itself, however I do know a breeder Nottingham way if that is of help?

      Do let me know if that would be close enough and I can contact them and see what they currently have for homing.

      Fingers crossed,


    • Hello Hayley.

      Thanks for visiting the site – doops are great – and good news that you can travel as they are getting quite scarce at the moment with a surge in demand after the lockdown.

      We have a few breeders with pups that would be great for you – depending on how far you can go yourself.

      We’ll be in touch once we have checked with our main breeders.

      Speak soon,


  51. Hi,
    I’m looking for a duprasi for my daughter. Could anyone point me in the right direction please?


    • Hello Paul – whereabouts are you based as we know plenty of doops about right now in some areas (Sussex, Surrey, South Wales and Greated Manchester for starters – and soon to be some in the East Midlands) – but absolutely none in other places. However, if you don’t mind paying for a courier – you should be fine either way.

      Also, were you looking for a single or pair; male of female, as this could help us lean you in the right direction more quickly!


  52. Hello, Could you put me in touch with a duprasi breeder please. We’re in Warwickshire so anywhere in the Midlands, or prepared to travel further. We currently have rats and degus. Many thanks.

    • Hello Catherine.

      Great to hear that you are intersted in the doop family now as a new pet – they are certainly something totally different.

      We know several breeders within a reasonable drive of your area – but there has been quite high demand these past few months in the West Midlands, so we shall see what we can find.

      Fingers crossed,


  53. I’m in the Northeast, Sunderland to be exact. I recently contacted a breeder in Nottinghamshire but although they would have been happy to put me on a list their small animal courier doesn’t travel further afield than Yorkshire.

    Are there any other alternatives to this? I’m interested in a duprasi as a relatively easy maintenance rodent.

    • Hi Tony – shame about the courier situation, and yes, some great couriers don’t go to some regions of the UK. Perhaps you could look around for a courier of your own that would travel and then hopefully your breeder will allow them to be used instead?

      Our prefered courier doesn’t travel to your region either so sorry about that!

      Some of our breeders travel a lot around the country and sometimes they can transport other people’s pets too – especially when travelling to shows – however most of these are currently cancelled – but should soon be picking back up.

      We will have an ask around and see if anyone we know visits your area and we can go from there?

      We will message you personally, rather than update here – I hope that is ok?



    • Hello Jo – and glad to hear you have duprasi on your radar – they certainly are a popular little ‘new’ pet these days.

      We don’t know of a breeder in Norfolk itself – but we have contact with one in Lincolnshire – so wondering if you can travel for your new doop or whether you would consider a courier?

      I will give them your details – and they should be in touch for more information.

      Hope that is OK?


  54. Hello we are looking for a pair of female fat tailed gerbils and are located in East Lothian Scotland – can you help us locate a local breeder? Many thanks in advance for your help.

    • Hello Emma,

      We are in contact with 2 people in Scotland, so we have contacted them and hopefully we can update you soon – keep an eye on your inbox/junk mail over the next week.

      They are in great demand in central England, so hopefully if you don’t find a doop near you, we can look at couriering some up your way if that is an option you would consider.

      Fingers crossed.


    • Hello Anne – and great that you have found out about doops enough to want one! They are truely adorable little pets.

      We do have contact with a few breeders in Scotland – and great if you are willing to travel as this might be needed. I will contact them for you and see if they have any new doops around or on the horizon.

      Unfortunately last month when we had an ezquiry from another interested party, there were none available to buy or reserve. But, things change of course – so watch your emails for any contact.

      Good luck!

    • Absoluitely we do Cher – we knw of several breeders within an hour or so drive of your location – unless you were happy to courier in which case we can extend that further to see who has any available right now.

      We know that many breeders in the East Midlands don’t have any to go right now – perhaps within the next month – but if you are happy to join a waiting list for one closer, you will soon get yourself to the top of the list!

      Were you looking for a male or female pair for your new companions?

    • Hi Freya.

      How many baby duprasi are you after – and how far are you willing to travel? We don’t know any breeders directly in Essex that we are in contact with, but there is one is Sussex and another in Surrey if you can travel?

      Alternatively – we know of breeders father afield who may have them sooner if you don’t mind arranging a courier?

      Do update us so we can send you in the right direction.



  55. Hi,
    I recently getting to know Duprasi from social media and I’m really interested of getting one as a pet. I would like to know if you know and breeder at or near London.

    • Yes, Ivy. We can see why you have fallen for a duprasi – who wouldn’t once you had seen their faces!

      They are being bred by several people in the South of England – but we don’t have details for anyone directly in London just now. But depending on your exact location we have breeders close by in Surrey and Sussex?

      Watch out for an emila coming to your shortly to confirm a few details – and we can go from there to find you the best duprasi we can!

      Kind regards,


  56. Hi, we’re looking for a duprasi pup. We’re based in Wiltshire, please could you let me know the contact details for M4 corridor, Surrey, Swindon please. Thank you

    • Hello Rosalie.

      We have two breeders in that area we can contact for you – and they are both expecting litters for homing in January last time we spoke. We shall certainly contact them again, and get them to contact you if they have any available.

      Watch out for their emails in you junk too – but we will keep your details on our own contact list to make sure we follow it up if they are don’t have any just yet.

      Have you had duprasi pups before or will this be your first?


      • Thank you, I didn’t see anything in my email as yet, will check junk mail. Would love to go on waiting lists. Yes, this will be our first pup and we’re getting our set up all ready for it. This page has been invaluable so thank you!

        • Hello again – and apologies that nothing has come through just yet.

          We will certainly add you to the waiting list to make sure you are one of the first to hear aout anything new becoming available.

          Glad that you have found the info on RodentZone helpful – and anything else or more specific you would like to see on here – do make a suggestion!

          We will be in contact shortly.

          RodentZone Team

    • Hello Clare – and welcome to RodentZone.

      We know of a few breeders within a hours drive of your area – so we will have a check on their current stocks of duprasi and if anything is avilable we will get them to contact you.

      We will also add you to our own waiting list to make sure that if there is a delay in finding you your dream doop (or will it be doops?) that you are still on our contact list either way. We know how hard these are to find sometimes!


  57. Hello, I have recently found out about Duprasi’s and have fallen in love, I’m based in the East Midlands and currently researching more about them, however, would to love to have contact with a breeder to potentially buy some and have some advice and personal experience with them, many thanks.

    • Well then Ashleigh – you have come to the right place!

      We have a popular breeder in the East Midlands already – so we shall certainly pass your details on to them – although there are others that they are in touch with in the area if they don’t currently have any themselves.

      There are several articles on here already about Doops, and we are expanding on those when we find out more, so any suggestions for more specific ones you would like to see are most welcome – for us to focus on.

      Watch out for their email shortly,

      RodentZone Team

    • Hello Maiya – and you have just got yourself on the waiting list for sure!

      We have a popular breeder in the East Midlands – and they have just had 4 littes of pups born in the last week. So even though they always have a waiting list – I think all these pups should allow everyone to find the doop of their dreams.

      We will have them contact you – so do watch out for their email coming your way…


    • Thanks Poppy – and welcome to the forum.

      We are a bit thin on breeders down that way – but there is one who occassionally has a litter. Otherwise would you consider a courier – then there are so many more options for you?

      We’ll contact either way about breeders close by…



  58. Hi I live in the westmidlands, I’m looking for a male and female unrelated for my daughter, she already has 2 young females and is on the list for an unrelated male. I also want a young female myself, do you know of any in the westmidlands please

    • Hello Wendy

      We have quite a few breeders in the Midlands now – so some will certainly come up for an unrelated breeding pair – possibly with one breeder or across two breeders. And I know there are two breeders right now with plenty of pups – so you should both be in luck!

      We will be in touch for sure and get you the doops of your dreams!!!


  59. Hi, any news on the breeders in the westmidlands with pups ready now, I’ve been checking my emails but have received nothing. Thankyou, wendy

    • Hi Wendy.

      We have spoken to our breeders in your area and at least one said that they had already got your/your daughters details and that you had three doops reserved with them?

      However, if you want to reserve additional doops on top of your original search – we can certainly contact breeders further afield if you are happy to courier.



    • Hello Micheal. Welcome to the world of doops!

      We do know a few breeders a short drive from your location although Essex itself is a bit short.

      If you don’t mind a bit of a drive we have contacts in Kent, Sussex and Surrey – or if you don’t mind using a courier – we have contact with people all over the UK. Depends if those near you have stock first – so we can work outwards for you.

      What are you looking for – does ‘some’ mean a same sex pair or a few more than that?

      Speak soon,


    • Hello Cleo – and welcome to our little duprasi world!

      We don’t have any active duprasi breeders in your neck of the woods just now – but if you are happy to courier them – we have breeders further afield who have pups ready right now?

      Do let us know your thoughts on couriering and we can plan something for you. We also have a breeder who has a courier connection so can deliver all accross the UK if purchased rom them – and we know they have pups in the nest too right now.

      Speak soon,


      • That sounds like a good solution, depending on the costs, the age of the pups, and provided that they have been handled by the breeder. Thank you

        • Yes, it is becoming sort of the norm during Lockdown anyway?

          We would imagine most breeders handle their pups regularly – but as they are all individuals – there can still be some squeaking and hiding from the pups anyway – believe us! Duprasi in general as young animals have an aversion to hands and if you try to catch them with your hands as they run around their enclosure you could be there all day!

          They need to be caught in a cup or pot (letting them walk into it themselves) and then have them come out of the pot into your hands when you are in the play area or close to the ground (as they will still jump like any young pup).

          So, don’t be put off by a pup that seems fearful of you when you get them home – just be consistant with your own handling and their true character will soon come through gain once they get into a routine in their new home. Often it is their first night alone when you get them too – so this needs to be taken into account with their character for the first few days. Don’t leave them alone for that time though – keep handling: little and often is best for youngsters. And always close to the ground.

          We’ll have a breeder we know with pups right now get in touch…

          • Yes, they will go through all these things when they contact you.

            It shouldn’t take too long for them to make contact once they see our message – watch out in your junk folder too.

  60. Hi, I’m in Liverpool and would like a male duprasi pup. I’m not having much luck finding a reputable breeder who I can trust and who will be able to courier to us due to Covid. Can you help please? Thanks

    • Hey Nicola.

      Yes, we know many breeders who are able to easily courier to Liverpool – and getting you a male shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

      Many breeders have a waiting list though – but you might get lucky in the gaps sometimes if you are ready to go right away – so we wil contact several of our breeders and get one to contact you as sson as they can.

      Thank again and good luck,


  61. Hello! I am looking for a Duprasi gerbil, ideally a male, though that definitely isn’t a dealbreaker.
    I am in South London and I am able to collect within reasonable driving distance; but couriering would be ideal. Do you know of any breeders within courier distance of London?

    Thank you for your help!

    • Hey Lily and yes, it is always difficult to know whether to drive yourself or just get a courier and stay home!

      We have a breeder in Surrey and one in Sussex – so we can certainly contact them and see if they have any males coming up for ready first. How does that sound?

      If they haven’t any, we can ask further afield for you anyway as I know there are plenty in the Midlands right now.

      Speak soon,


      • That sounds perfect – thank you very much! If you could get in touch with the breeders and see what that current situation is, that would be brilliant. Thanks again.

      • Hi there!

        I just wanted to quickly check if you’ve had a chance to contact the breeders?
        Absolutely no worries if not! I’ve just had a few email problems of late so wanted to be sure I wasn’t ignoring you without knowing it. 🙂

        Best wishes,


        • Hello again – all of the breeders down your way didn’t have any pups ready to go – but we just heard yesterday that one might be having a litter born in the next few days (finally) and could certainly put you on their waiting list to get first dibs if it is a large litter.

          We will forward them your contact details right now, and let you know what we hear back.

          • Hey Lily – just checking that a breeder has been in touch with you? We spoke to one and got you on their contact list because they are expecting pups very soon. Please check your junk folder also before replying if it didn’t come straight through.


          • Hello! Unfortunately I’ve not seen an email from them yet – I just checked the spam folder and nothing there either.

          • No worries – you are still on our contact list as well as theirs – so we will stay in touch for sure.

            We will get you your doop!

  62. Hello

    Could you please send me details of the breeder in Swindon or any other breeders within a couple of hours of Taunton Somerset?

    Many thanks

    • There aren’t many breeders within driving distance of Taunton that we know of – but we can check with the breeders in Swindon (who don’t keep waiting lists unfortunately) and South Wales (who we know has pairs together right now) if you want to make the journey yourself.

      We do also have a breeder who delivers all across the UK – so that also is an option if the two closest don’t have pups.

      We’ll let you know when we hear back to see if they have any pups…

        • Great.

          Not heard back from the Swindon breeder yet – but hopefully they will see it shortly and get back to us with details. The other breeder hasn’t had any litter born just yet but should know by the end of the month either way.

          The more distant breeders are most likely to have a couple available, but will know more details within the week as they deal with other people on their waiting list already.

          You didn’t say whether you had any preferences for males or females – or are you happy for either?

          How exciting!

          • We really don’t mind if it’s male or female to be honest as long as it’s healthy and likes (gentle) cuddles.
            The distant breeders sound good too, so happy to go with whatever is available.
            Thanks for your help with this.

          • Brilliant – we know a breeder who delivers themselves – who has well-handled pups available right now.

            We will get in touch with them and see when they may next be passing your way?

            Great news…

  63. That’s great thank you.

    I have also spoken to a lady called Catherine on Facebook who has some that can be delivered. Maybe it’s the same person?

    • Yes, combining breeders and couriers is one of the best ways to get doops out there to everyone.

      All the while they are still few and far between working together is the best way for everyone.

  64. Hi,
    My daughter and i are looking for a Duprasi, dont mind if its a boy or girl, we live in Kent.
    Kind Regards,
    Daisy and Alex

    • Hello there – and great choice by your and your daughter!

      Are you able to drive a short way as we know 3 breeders in the South East who could be within an hour and half’s drive from you if you were west Kent?

      Do let us know if driving is possible and we can see which ones have doops nearest to you.



    • Yes, there is always a worry when you are new to couriers – especially where dog and cat couriers can charge £200+ for transport – but couriers for duprasi are around £50 door to door – usually same day delivery.

      Not bad when you think of the avenues this opens up across the country to get anything from anywhere instead of just close by. A 4-hour round trip would cost you about the same yourself in fuel and time – so bargain all round really. You don’t even need to raise a finger on the day.

  65. Hello

    I am interested in a little Duprasi, likely in a few months time.
    I am in the east of England ( though willing to travel when out of lockdown).
    Can you recommend any breeders in the area?

    Thank you

    • Hello Nicole.

      And welcome to the world of doops!

      We don’t currently have any breeders listed right in the east – although we do have a breeder in central Lincolnshire and north Kent that would be your closest? But that isn’t to say that one doesn’t spring up in the next few months in your area!

      Were you looking for one or two doops – and are you intersted in males or females?

      Speak soon,


      • Hi.
        Thank you for replying so quickly!
        Love the ‘Doop’!
        Lincolnshire or Kent would be ok for a day trip if no one pops up nearer, and once we are able to travel further!
        I think I would prefer a single male at the moment – I have heard pairs can have the risk of falling out similar to dwarf hamsters?
        Thank you.

        • Yes, doops are their affectionate name!

          OK – so we will get in contact with our tow breeders from those areas and see what stock they currently have or are expecting so you can see where you are in terms of timings. Pups aren’t homed until after 6 weeks, so this can give you an idea of possible earliest collection dates.

          Yes, just like with dwarf hamsters and normal gerbils – duprasi can sometimes squabble with each other – but so far in doops this is usually just squeaking and squawking – and the odd tail biting – at any age. Nothing like the sudden full on fights with the other two.

          Anyway – make sure you join the FB doop group for some ideas and info – and speak soon.

  66. Could i be in-touch with someone who has a Doop/ fat tailed gerbil newcastle area or closest breeder to here? I’m happy to travel as for as york.

    • Hello.

      And sorry – but we don’t know anyone breeding doops in the north of the England yet – something we are working on for sure. However, we have many breeders in the Midlands, so could easily arrange a courier or potentially a part-delivery meeting you halfway?

      Anyway – are you looking for a single, a pair – or are you considering becoming a local breeder yourself?

  67. Hi looking for 1 or 2 doops (can’t decide which is best) near to Sheffield if you can put me in touch with anyone.

    • Absolutely Jen – we have just the breeder for you in Sheffield.

      As for the one or two argument – We’ll start by saying that if you wouldn’t be able to make space for a second full-size permanent duprasi enclosure in your home – then perhaps you should only get one. Many people home doops in pairs and many people keep doops in pairs – and as far as we can tell a large number of those pairs stay living together for their entire lives. However, just like with other gerbils and dwarf hamsters, there is always the chance that – at any age – they won’t want to be friends anymore and will need two seperate homes.

      If you then try to home one of your pair to a friend or whoever, you run the risk of homing them to someone who doesn’t understand them as well as you do – or they may even end up in a rescue – something the original breeder would never want. Hopefully – like us – the original breeder would ALWAYS be happy to take their own animals back at any age and in any condition – but many people feel embarressed to do that unfortunately.

      So, as doops are more than happy to live alone, when people can’t decide – we leave the choice up to them. But if they totally ask – we would always recommend only the one. We don’t want to think of that unwanted doop ending up in the wrong home.

      Keep an eye out for an email (and do check your junk folder) about some pups coming your way soon…

      • Hey Jen – we have lost contact somehow – if you are still interested in duprasi pups in your area – do let us know.

        We have one with your name on it!!!

        Speak soon.

  68. Hi, I am looking to see if there are any litters around Peterborough area (I see from previous threads that Lincs & Notts have breeders), we are considering 1 doop male or female

    • Yes, there are currently quite a few pups coming up in the East Midlands right now – and with a short waiting list right now if you are after a single of either sex for yourself.

      Are you able to drive to that area in the next few weeks/months – or would you be looking to arrange a courier for collection instead?


  69. Hi there

    I’ve bee researching durprasi for a number of years now and Im now in a position to get some myself

    Could I get a contact for a breeder based towards Milton Keynes but happy to travel if needs be.

    • Hello Tyrone – and it’s great news that you can finally get yourself a doop!

      We have a couples of sources of duprasi within a few hours drive of you ready to reserve right now – and if would rather they were couriered/delivered to you – then we can certainly help arrange that with you if you prefer.

      We will have our team contact you and look into your options. Were you looking for a single or a pair? Male or female?

      speak soon,


    • Hey Mark – welcome to RodentZone.

      I assume you mean you want a male:female pair to start breeding for the first time – or do you mean a pair of unrelated doops to pair with your existing doops?

      Either way – we can help out. Have you had doops before – or is this a totally new project for you?

      Speak soon,


    • Hey.

      Our breeder near Northampton has a litter in the nest – we will sort out putting you in touch if that is close.

      Were you after a single male or female – or a pair?

      Speak soon,


    • No problem Chris – and we have just contacted the breeder in that area for you to find out more.

      Otherwise, are you happy to drive an hour or two (location pending) or arrange a courier?

      Speak soon…

      • That’s great thanks for your help. I’ll wait to hear. Yes I’d be willing to travel a little if required, ta, Chris

          • Our Kent breeder has your details and should be in touch shortly.

            Alternatively if they don’t have what you are looking for, then the Surrey breeder has also got several new litters.

            How exciting.

    • Hello Daniel – and welcome to the doop world.

      We have a breeder in NW Kent who we have contacted today to check for pups – and a few other breeder at the opposite end of Sussex and Surrey or a Breeder in the Midlands with pups who you could courier from, potentially.

      Let us know your thoughts either way and we will soon have you sorted out with a delightful and adorable pup.

      Kind regards,

        • OK, excellent – we shall wait and see what people say in reponse. We know that people are busy this weekend enjoying the sun – so might not hear too soon…

          • Our Kent breeder has your details and should be in touch shortly.

            Alternatively if they don’t have what you are looking for, then the Surrey Breeder has also got several new litters.

    • Hello – and yes, several people in the South have pups right now – are you flexible with NW Kent, SW Surrey or coastal Sussex for a collection?

      We’ll check who has what for you to match up what you are looking for – we assume you want a single pup?



  70. We are looking for a single doop pup and are in Norfolk. Could you let me know if we can find a breeder close to us? You have previously mentioned a breeder in Lincolnshire?

    • Hello Anna.

      If you are close to Lincolnshire – then the breeder there does indeed currently have some pups we believe – so we can get them to contact you regarding the options. Otherwise if you are happy to courier (usually around £50) then there are several other pups around the UK who would also be ready to go right now.

      Anyway – lets start with one and see how we go – they should contact you shortly…

    • Hello Tereasa – and welcome to the hub of doop finding!

      We don’t have direct contact with anyone in your county who is a breeder (and we are not sure there actually is even a regular breeder in your area) – but we have a few that are within an hour or so’s drive – or those who allow you to arrange a courier for collection. If either of those options are ok to persue, we can certainly get you in contact with someone for sure.

      Speak soon,

      RodentZone team.

        • Yes, I have made contact with a breeder closest to you – so hopefully they will be in touch shortly – if they haven’t been already.

          We’ll stay in touch until we find you one, don’t worry…

          • Are you still looking Tereasa? A breeder tried to get in contact on FB but you may have missed it?

            Do let us know either way…

  71. Hey,
    I’ve been looking for a duprasi, a single one of any sex. I’m from the west Midlands. So any local breeders would be appreciated. I have owned one before.

    • Hello Steph – and there are doops being born all over the place right now – so I am sure we can get you one reserved.

      Are you able to travel outside of your area – and how far would that from your closest big city?

      Having a loss is always sad – but a new pup is a whole new adventure just beginning…

  72. Hi,
    I am struggling to purchase this species anywhere, can i have someones contact details as i am looking to buy a pair of boys please.
    Thank you

    • Hello Dee – yes – doops are often hard to get hold of. It goes in peaks and troughs for sure.

      Where about in the country are you for starters – and would you be looking to collect yourself within a few hours of your own home – or are you able to arrange collection through a courier for those pups found further afield?

      We will get you your doops however suits you.

      Look forward to hearing your thoughts on the above.

    • Dee – have you had any luck yet or are you still looking?

      We emailled you but haven’t had a reply – so just wanted to check if we could still help you out in your duprasi hunt!

  73. I am interested in adding a fool to my little family.
    Either a pup or happy to give a home to an older one.
    Ideally a female but not the be all and end all. I just live in a male dominated house and a fellow female would be nice.
    I am in the South west.
    Any help please 😊

    • Hello Lucy.

      How far down South West are you? There aren’t any breeders we know too far down with Swindon really being the last stop saloon that we are aware of.

      Are you open to a courier – or perhaps a nice long day trip to The West Midlands or perhaps Surrey?


      • Thank you for getting back to me.

        I am down in Devon near Dartmoor. I am happy with a courier or convince my partner he wants a day trip hehe.

        It does not have to be a pup either I am always happy to be a second home for an adult if need be 😊

        • Brilliant – we certainly have something that would suit in that case.

          Let us have a look at all the options and then you can choose from there. How does that sound??

          Speak soon…

          • Hello again Lucy.

            We have a breeder in Surrey with several pups and older doops who is happy to discuss couriers and will be emailling you shortly – do watch out for that.

            Otherwise, we have a breeder in Leicester with pups being your next closest right now?

            There are no other older doops near you right now that we know of – but we will certainly keep asking around.

            Fingers crossed…

  74. Hi there. I’m looking to get a doop for my daughter. Do you know of any breeders in Dorset or Hampshire?

    Thanks very much.


    • Hello Michael – and your daughter is choosing the perfect pet for sure.

      Dorset is a bit of a dry patch for doops that we know of – but depending on what part of Dorset (our favourite county ever by the way) you live in – there could be some a short drive away – for example our breeder in Surrey has some pups ready in the next few weeks, and a breeder in South Wales may be due some pups shortly (but they won’t be ready to collect until the new year).

      If you are open to a longer drive north, ther may well be some right now in and around the Greater Birmingham area? And one of our breeders from the East Midlands may be travelling down to near Cirencester at the start of December (not confirmed though) so chipping in for the fuel could be something you might consider?

      We would love to hear your thoughts so we can get something arranged for you both…

      RodentZone Team

    • Hello Micheal.

      We have found a breeder on the Surrey/Hampshire border who will email you shortly to see if they can sort you out with an adorable pup for your daughter. Please check you junk mail – just incase it goes in there accidently.

      Good luck.

  75. Hi, I am looking to home a duprasi, any sex, pup or adult as long as it’s been handled.
    I’m from Hillingdon area. Do you know anyone who has doops for sale? Happy to drive an hour away to pick one up.
    Also, can you recommend a cage for them? Thank you

    • Hello Hannah – and welcome to doop city! You are within driving distance of one of most popular breeders near Aldershot who we belive has got pups available this side of the New Year as well as after.

      We will check on their availability and if they do still have unreserved pups from these current litters – we will get one reserved for you and pass on your contact details so they can get in touch.

      That was probably a faster turn around that you were expecting!

      As for enclosures – ideally something wider than it is high for sure. People are liking detolfs, 60+ Exoterras as well as standard tanks and things like the ‘Karot’ and Zoo-Zone (small mesh only).

  76. Hi I’m looking for a duprasi for my daughter, this is the pet she has requested. This is all new to me, we are based in the west midlands any help would be appreciated.


    • Hello there Anil and daughter!

      We do have a flurry of pups right now in the West Midlands – but quite spread out – what cities are you closest too?

      We will contact the breeders in the wider area and see who has unreserved pups now and who is expecting any in the next few weeks.

      How exciting for her!

        • Fantastic.

          We know a breeder near Kidderminster who has paired a couple today – so if that is successful the pups should be born around the New Year (homing mid February), or another breeder just further out in Leicester who may have some slightly older pups ready now – so we can certainly find out about both of those for you.

          How does that sound?

        • Hello again.

          The breeder in Leicester has a female that we have put a temporary reserve on for you – and they will be contacting you via email shortly – so do keep your eye out for that.

          If this doesn’t work out fo whatever reason – don’t worry – we will keep you on the contact list either way until we have found you your dream doop!

  77. Hi! I’m looking to find a duprasi breeder in the Essex area but I’m willing to travel 2 hours out of area too 🙂 does anyone know of anyone around that area with any pups? 🙂

    • Hello Pheobe.

      There aren’t any breeders we know of in Essex itself, but we know a breeder south of Dartford in Kent, another near Brighton in Sussex and another near Farnham, Surrey. I am not sure if you are north Essex in which case we have a breeder near Lincoln.

      And breeders across the country will be able to courier to you if that ends up being a decent option – then the distance doesn’t matter necessarily and there may be pups right now further afield?

      We will ask those mentioned above what they have or are expecting as well – and update you here.

      Kind regards,


    • Hello again – looks like the breeder in Surrey has pups right now – ready to go if that isn’t too far away?

      The breeder in Linconshire may hav a spare male only if they have any any problems with the current reserves though. As far as we know the other breeders all currently have no pups or none that are not already reserved anyway.

      Do let us know your thoughts on the above – and we will certainly keep you on our contact list until we find you the perfect doop anyway!

        • Hello Ben.

          We don’t put people’s details online for security reasons – but we can forward your details to that breeder and you can have a chat with them directly – is that ok? Would you like us to do that for you?


    • Hello Elia.

      The closest breeder we know currently with pups is in Kidderminster – is that too far of a drive for you?

      We know they have had a few pups recently – real teeny ones – but we can certainly see if they have any of those are from the Egyptian lines and if any are not yet reserved?

      Do let us know if you think you could travel all or at least most of that distance for a pup – or if you would consider using a courier as breeders further afield definiely have pups available.

      Speak soon,


  78. Hello I’m looking for fat tailed gerbil I think he Yorkshire area if your at all able to forward me to a breeder don’t expect anything straight away

    • Hello Ryan.

      Where about in Yorkshire are you (nearest which cardinal point or biggest cities) that way we can help you out better. We have several breeders around that area – so can put you in contact with the nearest ones for the next litters.

      However, if you are happy to travel a bit further – there may be other breeders further afield who have some right now?

      • Hey there I’m mostly based in East Yorkshire, I’m kinda in the middle of some cities such as Doncaster, Hull, York and leeds are accessible to me to get to

        • Ok Ryan – that is perfect.

          We almost certainly have a doop available soon for you – either near Lincoln or there could be one just north of York? would either of those be better for you?


  79. Hi,
    I’m hoping to find a duprasi for our family and would really appreciate it if you could pass our details on to a breeder please.

    We’re based in South Wales near Cardiff but are happy to travel if needed.



    • Hey Robert.

      We have two breeders in that area and one who just rehomed most of (or all of) their litters. We shall check what they have currently and get back to you…

      Kind regards,


  80. Hi I’m looking for a duprasi pup, either male or female and I’m from the Caerphilly area, so South Wales or Bristol is preferable but I’m happy to travel or use a courier!

    Thank you,


    • Hello Amabel.

      We have 2 breeders down in the South Wales area that we can check with first – to see where they are with pups – otherwise we know a popular breeder in surrey who has females ready to home shortly who is always happy to courier.

      Let us know your thoughts on the courier if you want to get a first reserve on one…

      Speak soon,


      • Hi, would it be okay to check with the South Wales breeders first? I’m happy to wait, but if they are not expecting any soon I’d also be happy to go with the Surrey breeder.

        • We have only had one reply so far and it was a ‘not yet’ – they are hoping to put some pairs together in the next week or two. That would mean if those pairings were successful the pups would be ready to home the end of April at the earliest.

          I will contact the other breeder again incase they missed the first message.

          We also have a breeder your side of Birmingham expecting some shortly – so potentially ready mid-April?

  81. I think I might reserve a pup with the Surrey breeder if you can put me in contact with them, I haven’t used a pet courier before, but would the breeder know the best service to go with?

    • Heelo again – and yes – the breeder would be able to tell you which companies they have used themsevles so you can then narrow it down based on locations (some couriers only travel within certain boundaries, etc).

      But we will pass on your contact details to the Surrey Breeder and you can at least start up a conversation. Certainly join the Facebook Duprasi group anyway for top tips and info about all things doop!

      Fingers crossed.

  82. Hi,

    We are looking for a duprasi pup, and we live in London. We wish to find a breeder
    who can go with pet courier service.


    • Hi there – and for some reason your comment was duplicated – so we will answer only on this one.

      We have details for a breeder in Surrey who has duprasi pups right now ready to home and are happy to courier – but it could be that you could collect yourself, if mobile.

      We will pass on your contact details to them if that is ok – and they will be in touch shortly.


  83. Hi,

    We are looking for a duprasi pup, and we are based in London. We wish to find a breeder who can go with pet courier service to London.


    • Please see the other comment reply Jun – as we have breeders with pups ready to go right now who are happy to courier.

  84. Hi,
    I am part of a college collection looking for a group of Duprasi. Are you able to put me in touch with a breeder in/around Hampshire and the South of England who would be prepared to allow us to adopt?
    Many thanks

    • Absolutely – we have a popular breeder in the Aldershot area that we could get in contact with who has a large collection of duprasi with pups available from now we believe.

      Were you looking for a group or same sex individuals or a breeding group?

      • Excellent news!!

        We would like a group, potentially a breeding one, depending on what is available. Many thanks.

        • Excellent – they have pups and we will send your contact details to them right now.

          They should be in touch shortly – so remember to keep a watch on your junk folder too.

          So exciting…

    • Of course we can Lorna, and our Surrey Breeder has pups right now so that is perfect timing.

      We you looking for a single duprasi or a pair – or are you looking to learn more about breeding yourself?

      We will send them your contact details if that is ok – and they should be in touch shortly either way.

      Kind regards,


      • Hi,
        I’m looking to get a single duprasi as a pet ideally in September; as i need to modify my current setup first!… lol
        If you could please help me get in touch with a breeder in the South Yorks / West Birmingham area that’d be ideal please! 🙂
        I’m in Manchester and willing to travel around an hour to collect… as I’d rather meet the baby and collect myself rather than use a courier.
        After a male pup ideally, but will happily take a female if that’s all available..! Lol
        Much thanks 🙂

        • Hi there.

          We know a few breeders in your hour radius – but none of them have pups just now. There seems to be rather a dry patch right now in the Midlands.

          Hopefully, if new pairs have already been matched up now though – a September pup could still be an option – so there is hope.

          We will check again with people and see who is expecting – and get you on the waiting list at least – and then update here with any replies from your surroundings.

          Speak soon.

          • Thank u!
            Sorry I missed notifcation of your reply, but I found a new breeder in my hometown!!! of Manchester, and collected my new Dooplings today ! 😁
            Her first pair seem to be breeding frequently, are well loved, and she’s just bought more to diversify the bloodlines – so maybe handy for u to know for future enqueries..!
            I can provide contact info if u want to contact me 🙂

          • That’s great news – would be fantastic to add a new breeder to our listings here – great work finding them!

            Speak soon,


  85. Hi, I live near Edinburgh was looking into buying two gerbils and was wondering roughly how much money they would cost. Thanks a lot.

    • Hello there.

      Gerbil range from about £10 – 30 far a pair depending on where you are close to. Rescue centres can sometimes have gerbils for homing too for a donation – but not always in pairs unfortunately.

      It might be worth contacting Jackie at the National Gerbil Society as there are a few people that come from Scotland for gerbil shows around the country – so they may have some contacts there for you.

      Contact Jackie at jackie@gerbils.co.uk

    • Absolutely – East or West Midlands?

      We can get our East Midlands breeder to contact you for sure – unles you are more Western?

      Do let us know so we can get things moving for you…

  86. Hello,

    I’m considering getting a duprassi and wondered if you know if any breeders in the South West that have, or will have pups?


    • Hello there – and I don’t blame you – they are lovely pets!!!

      How far down in the South West are you as it is rather a dry patch for duprasi down there…


        • Currently we don’t know any breeders that way – Swindon used to be the closest – however there are certainly a few couriers that travel to Devon – so potentially you might need to look into that to open pu your options on getting yourself a fat tail or two.

          We are in contact with 2 busy breeders who are happy to send out duprasi with a courier of your choosing – so do get in touch if you think that is an option – or pop in to the Facebook Fat Tail Duprasi group and hopefully these breeders will get in touch.

          Speak soon,


    • We have a popular breeder in Lincolnshire itself – but they currently have all their stock reserved.

      They will certainly add you to their waiting list – but if you are wanting one sooner and happy to pay the extra for a courier, there is another breeder in surrey with pups right now for homing.

      So, let us know either way: are you happy to wait for one you can meet beforehand and collect yourself (but that wil be at least 6 weeks away at the earliest) or would you like to find out more about receiving one as soon as you can line up a courier – but obviously paying the extra for that to happen (which can be around £50 or more).

      We don’t mind which way – we can just work around how it works best for you.

      Speak oson.

  87. Hi – I am looking for a duprasi breeder anywhere in Ireland, or one that can courier to Ireland…can you help at all? Thank you!

    • We never found any breeders or keepers at all in Ireland on previous searches – and we haven’t looked at the recent legislation changes since the recent updates. It might be worth contacting a few couriers yourelf to find one that works between Ireland and England to get some price in operational infomration about the whole procedure (how many days door to door/any breeder input required/types or carrier required/etc) as there are several breedes who are happy to courier out duprasi in singles or groups where needed.

      Do get back to us when you find a courier you are happy to use and we can help match up a breeder over here.

      How exciting!

  88. Hi, I’m looking for a recommended breeder near Nottingham, but we’re happy to travel. Could you please email me the contact details of a few near me.

    • Hello.

      There are several breeders in your area, but non currently have any pups available. Our popular breeder in Lincolnshire has several pairs together – and possibly squeaking in one nest last night – so the earliest litter for homing would be late November now – assuming there are enough pups to go around from their existing waiting list.

      We will certainly contact everyone in the Midlands again this week to find out more. Alternatively – if you are wanting one sooner (and are happy to pay extra for a courier (around £60+)) then that can happen much sooner for you.

      Do let us know your thoughts so we can get things moving…

    • Hello there – and welcome to the world of Duprasi!!!

      There are only a couple of breeders in your area – and we think that only the popular Lincolnshire breeder is currently actively pairing up couples (and may have squeaking in one nest as of this morning!).

      We will certainly contact our Yorkshire breeders again this week to get some updates – but if you are looking for one sooner – and are happy to use a courier (usualy £60+) there are breeders elsewhere in the UK who have pups ready to home immediately.

      Let us know your thoughts for sure and we can get you something sorted.

    • Hello.

      There are a few active breeders in Scotland currently – so we will certainly pass your details on to our most popular breeder near Stirling and they can make contact and hopefully get something sorted for you as soon as possible.

      We aren’t sure if they have any new litters just now – or how long their waiting list is – but they will certainly be in touch shortly.

      Good luck – and don’t forget to join the Duprasi/Fat tailed gerbil FB group to learn more about them as a hobby.

    • Absolutely – there is a very popular breeder just outside of Brighton – we will pass on your contact details to them for sure.

      Hopefully if they have pups available – they will be in touch shortly – and do let us know you have found yourself a little one.

      If you haven’t heard back from them in the next few weeks – there is also a breeder in Surrey who has pups right now – although a bit further away. They are your next closest breedes that we work with.

      Speak soon either way,


        • Unfortunately we haven’t heard back from the Brighton-Based breeder so we have passed your details on to our very popular Surrey breeder who should be in touch shortly – and hopefully have a conversation about whether they are close neough for you.

          Fingers crossed.

          • Hi, really appreciate your responses. I’ve not heard from the Surrey or brighton breeder yet. Would you let me know if there’s any update? Thanks!

          • I’m so sorry you haven’t received anything. Have you checked your SPAM just incase??

            I chase them both tonight (and/or sort something else out for you).


          • Thanks for chasing for me. I’ve not yet heard from the brighton or Surrey breeder. Would you be able to give them a nudge?
            Appreciate your help!

    • There are very few breeders in the south West – with a breeder in Hampshire and another in South Wales being the closest currently.

      Unfortunately neither of these take waiting lists – they only advertise when they have some ready to leave and it is first come first served – so not something to help you plan around for a long journey.

      Several popular breeders can help arrange a courier purchase (usually an additional (£70-£120)) which means you will certainly get yourself a doop – usually the same month of reserving one. Others will take a waiting list and can plan their travel journeys around it where possible (such as for animal shows or their own purchases/other sales.

      Do let us know if you are definitely looking for something in the next few months and we can see what the options are. However, if you are still ‘browsing’ then perhaps join the main fat-tailed gerbil/duprasi FB group and keep your eyes peeled for other rehoming posts that could be closer.

      Good luck either way!


  89. Hi there Rodent Zone,

    I’m looking for a doop, pup or adult, either type, as long at they are friendly, either gender, and I’m in SE London. do you know if the breeder near Dartford has any? Thanks Alex

    • Hi there – and welcome to the hunt for duprasi!

      We do know a breeder near Dartford who is hopefully expecting pups very soon – so that would be perfect. We will contact them to see where they are and when they expect any pups to be ready for homing. We wil also ask them if they have any older duprasi already ready to go.

      Alternatively the breeders in Surrey and Brighton regularly have duprasi available so you have a back up at least either way.

      Kind regards,


  90. Hi there
    I’m looking for a duprasi gerbil for my daughter’s birthday. Could you please contact me via my email to let me know if there are any available? Her birthday is on 1 February.

    Thanks and regards

    • No problem – we’ll email.

      You don’t say where you are though – so we need a few more details before we can link you up with a pup…

      Speak soon,


  91. Hi,

    I’m looking for a duprasi breeder based around Somerset (I’m based in Chippenham). If you could let me know details for breeders in this area that would be amazing!

    Many thanks in advance!

    • Hello there.

      You are in a bit of a black spot for duprasi there I am afraid. There is a breeder near Swindon who only advertises the minute they are ready – so it isn’t easy to pin them down. Alternatively a breeder near Aldershot and another near Hemel Hempstead are possibly your closest with pups right now – although there might be some pups due in south Wales too. So, unfortunately, unless you fancy a day out, or potentially paying for a courier – it could be a bit of a wait.

      We can certianly contact a few people for you if any of those sound like they have some potential though?

      Speak soon,


  92. Hello, im Leeds based and looking for duprasi gerbil. However my family also live in Cambridgeshire and also some in Lancashire so I can travel to there! If you be able to reply by email that’d be fabulous! Thankyou so much, I look forward to hearing from you 🙂

    • Hello Eleanor.

      There are plenty of doops around with various breeders – just so far apart. There were a few breeders in the York-Sheffield-Derby stretch last year – but they have been slow to start up again in 2023, so no pups available for homing there for at least another 2 months, however a popular breeder in Lincolnshire has pairs together currently (having just homed around 8 pups over the New Year) – they do always have a wait list though – but often no longer than a month between litters – so depending on what gender you want and how many – that wait is quite flexible.

      The other regular breeder (in Surrey) is happy to use couriers and has pups near all year long available. We should be getting an update on the other smaller breeders shortly – but there is a new one near Hemel Hempstead just coming on the scene who may have pups currently too?

      There are also a few exotic mammal breeders who occasionally have pups – but they don’t often have a waiting list – they just put them up for sale online only when they are ready to go – and it is first come first served unfortunately.

      Hop on the duprasi-fat tailed gerbil FB group – and hopefully some breeders will get back to you and you can at least have a chance to plan properly for you new pet – and sort out other things like couriers or travelling more easily.

      • Hello thankyou for your speedy reply! Are there any breeders available that i can get contact information for either the york/sheffield/derby/cambridge/swindon area? I’ve joined the Facebook page thankyou!

        • The FB group is the best place – as they are all active on there – but like we said – the issue is that many only contact people or take details when they actually have pups rather than keeping a waiting list. It can be just about the timing really – so do keep active on the group and watch for anyone else asking in a few weeks or so as by then a breeder may have some.

          Alternatively, do mention if you are happy for a courier as then breeders further apart come in to play as well.

          Fingers crossed…

  93. Hi. Looking for 2 or 3 duprasi. Willing to wait. I’m from the Leicestershire Northamptonshire boarder. Would be willing to pay for a pet currier. Have owned duprasi before. But haven’t seen any for years.

    • There is a breeder near Hemel Hempstead who may still have some young doops – if that is close – otherwise we know a breeder in Surrey who is happy to courier who has pups ready right now.

    • Abigail – just checking on whether you found yourself a duprasi yet?

      There were a few contacts made – but just checking that we have got you all sorted with a doop of your own – if not let us know and we can keep looking. There is a young female just come up near Chesterfield/Sheffield if you hadn’t had any luck so far?

      Speak soon either way.


  94. Hey, what a great and thorough piece, thanks for all the information.

    I’m looking for breeders in/near London or possibly Swindon. Please let me know of any. Thanks

    • Thank you – that’s very kind of you to say. We do try to cover all the basics here and help signpost to popular breeders across the UK.

      There is a popular breeder near Aldershot if you are in the SW of the London area or along the M3 – or a new breeder in Hemel Hempstead if you are more North.

      We will be contacting both these breeders – and all our other contacts to get a pup update for the site. Seems like there is a boom in new doops at the moment we are trying to keep up with.

      Speak soon,


    • Absolutely Christopher – we can help you out there.

      There is a breeder in Lincolnshire currently who is your closest breeder expecting pups (so not homing until the end of April at the very earliest). There are some other breeders closer to your preferred area – but they aren’t planning any litters in the next few months – so there might be alonger wait to stay close to home.

      Alternatively – if you want a pup sooner – some breeders further afield have pups almost ready to go so if you would consider a courier (£70+) you could get yourself a doop in the next few weeks.

      Let us know your thoughts…

  95. Hello

    Looking for a doop. We’re in Cheshire, but regularly driving round Manchester, Liverpool areas or West Midlands. Looks like best to start looking early so asking now as hoping to get one from early November onwards. If you have any suggestions, much appreciated. Thanks

    • Hi there – I think we have some currently looking for homes in the Derby area, but nothing we are aware of any further north just yet. Hopefully there are a few in the pipeline for November/December time – and there are 3 or 4 previous breeders in the Cheshire/Stoke area – so we will keep you in the loop if we hear first.

      Also, join the FB Fat Tailed Gerbil Group if you haven’t already as there are often breeders posting on there.

      Happy hunting…

  96. We are also still looking for a single doop in the Cheshire area (Manchester, north staffs also good). Fingers crossed some of the breeders in the Cheshire/Stoke area will have pups available soon.

  97. Hi Claire, we have been researching duprasis and we would love to get one. I’d be really grateful for any recommendations for a breeder near Kingston/Richmond Upon Thames? Thanks so much!

    • Hey Anne – are you still looking for a duprasi – as I believe one of our breeders in surrey has some pups right now if you were looking to get a little one this side of Christmas?

      Do let us know either way and we can get you on the fast track!

    • Hi there – and I think you have a few breeders near you in the West Midlands, but we don’t know any in North Wales, or in the North East sadly.

      Depending on which side you are in Shropshire, we have a breeders in Derbyshire if that is any help? We can contact a few for you if they are close – or we can help to find breeders further afield if you are happy to arrange a courier – we know several breeders across the country who always have pups.

      Let us know either way and we can get you sorted for sure.

  98. Interested in some doops. Live in Cumbria (close to Penrith) and have family in Wirral, are there any breeders/rescues in north west region or possibly east close to Cumbria?

    • Hi there – and great choice for a new pet!

      Whereabouts in Kent are you, as there is a breeder in Brighton and another in the Aldershot area of Surrey – otherwise it may be quite a road trip currently – unless someone is doing a drive by.

      Is this your first duprasi?


  99. Hello, I am wondering if you know of any breeders in or near Bristol? / where the nearest one is? Any help appreciated.

    • Hello there.

      Unfortunately there aren’t any active breeders in your area that we know – people have had to use couriers before for there – or wait for a passing breeder.

      There used to be a breeder in the Swindon area, but they don’t often advertise, and there was another in south Wales who has been very quiet for the past year. Fathom Exotics in Surrey might be your closest along A4, and there is another breeder in Hemel Hempstead who were both active last year.

      Most breeders north of you haven’t been breeding 2023/2024 (Coventry/Birminghan/Leicester) but there are several active breeders throughout the central and east Midlands who may be able to deliver or send pups to you through a courier.

      Doops are still quite hard to find down in the SW, Wales and the far North – you need at least and 2-3 hour round trip in most locations to meet a breeder.

      Fingers crossed for you in your search. We can always help arrange things with you if you wanted some help – just message.

      RodentZone Team

    • Hello there. And you have chosen the best new pet right here!!!

      THere are only a few breeders within a short drive of you, but neither have an active waiting list – you can only source their duprasi if you see an active advert (they don’t have a wait list system).

      There is an active breeder in Surrey who does a waiting list system – and who I believe has pups right now if you are able to travel that far (let me know if this is an option as I can put you in touch with them) and another breeder in Portsmouth although they haven’t advertised in a while. I think both are happy to work with couriers if you can’t do the drive yourself.

      Please also join the FB group for fat tails/duprasi as there are often doops for homing/rehoming on there and which might be in your area – and you can put up your own post for your search and sometimes people are passing your way on travels or holidays and can drop them off.

      How exciting…

    • Hello – and you are indeed in one of the best parts of the country to get a new doop within driving distance!

      There are two regular breeders – one actually in Brighton itself and the other in Surrey who almost always have pups available.

      Please join the duprasi/fat tailed gerbil Facebook group and post on there saying you are looking in Sussex/Surrey and they will be tagged for you. They are on the group the whole time anyway – Clare & Chris – so you could have your doop by the weekend if you are all set up ready!

      How exciting…

    • Absolutely Sarah – added!

      There are several breeders around the NOttingham area – so it shouldn’t take long to get you a pup – or at least a collection date (they are proving very popular just now. Have you had a duprasi before – and do you mind if it is male or female?

      Can’t wait to hear back…

      • Hello!

        Thank you so much, I have not had one before. I have had gerbils before though!

        We have no preference on gender. And absolutely no rush, we still have a very old hamster with us who takes priority for the next few months !

        • Bless him – absolutely he take priority!!

          The breeder in Notts (Josh) is acquiring a whole batch of new doops from two different sources – so they will be the best person to stay in tounch with over the next few months. There is a bit of a waiting list already – so do let them know that you aren’t ready to home just yet so they can distribute all the first round out and then start working with what they have remaining – which will be plenty. The other two breeders in the area may also have pups by the time you are ready – so do stay in touch with me (or keep posting on the FB duprasi group) so that we know you are actually ready to home at that point – as this is where we kick it up a notch.

          If you haven’t already I would certainly post on the FB now that you would like to join a waitlist for a male doop for an April onwards collection – and I can tag Josh for you and we can go from there?


          How exciting.

          • Hello,

            Thank you! So exciting, I may be being stupid but I cannot find the Facebook group, could you let me know the name?

            Is a 100cm x 50cm x 50 cm a big enough cage for a durprasi or should I look at getting a new one? Currently about 15cm deep of sawdust

            All the best,

          • Strange you couldn’t find it – but either way – here is the link:


            THat size enclosure is suitable for duprasi – as just like hamsters – they need at least 100cm of flat, straight length to cover the ground they require when they are active overnight. They are fine with low-level platforms also, so building up a surface later above the substrate level really helps with feeding and bonding as well as allowing them to walk on a flat surface as well as burrow…

  100. Hello! Great article thank you! I am looking to buy a pair of fat tailed gerbils and I live in York, North Yorkshire. Are there any breeders close by? I could travel anywhere in Yorkshire as well though.
    Thanks! Betsy 🙂

    • Hello.

      Yes, there are a few breeders in your area – well a short drive. July would be great as it would allow you to go on a waiting list of the two main breeders in Notts/Lincs. There is a new breeder just starting out closer to York – so potentially they will have their first litters coming in shortly – which could mean pups available in June and after. So that could give you a wider choice of options.

      So, we will put you on the main waiting list for sure and stay in touch, but feel free to join up on the duprasi/fat-tailed gerbil FB group to see more about duprasi and keep an eye on the breeders in your area and any top tips.

      Speak soon,

      RodentZone team.


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