Duprasi Breeders – US

Duprasi – or fat-tailed gerbils are super hard to find in the US right now – with only a handful of breeders advertising.

What this post hopes to do is to bring them together in one place so that we can match up new owners and breeders to keep everyone happy.

If you are already a breeder or are looking for a new duprasi to join your family – then please keep visiting here as this page grows.

Why are Duprasi So Hard To Find?

Firstly – they are African rodents – so have been subject to the rules of the US since that came into force. Duprasi – or fat-tailed gerbils – are originally from North Africa and so if they were not already in the country and of breeding condition – there was a dead end.

Secondly – they are often very fussy as to when they will breed. Sometimes they go straight for it and young females are particularly fecund, but often as they age they pick and choose when they have litters and which males they will pair with and when. All very much the lady is in charge here!

Therefore, with less animals breeding and around only a 50% success rate on breeding – the odds are already against us. Luckily they can have up to 9 in a litter, but between 4 and 6 is most likely. Single pups aren’t unheard of though – so often the excitement of a litter still leaves the waiting list waiting!

However, several breeders have got enough stock now to become regulare breeders – so depending on the laws of your state – you may be lucky enough to get your hands on one or more yourself!

Duprasi Breeders in Several States

We are just finalising the details of a few breeders already – and hope to add more to the list as time goes on.

South-East -Florida – Tiny Tails – Litters available right now – own transport

Atlantic Coast – Delaware – Breeder on hold – no current waitlist

New York – Pairs currently paired – ready to reserve/waitlist

Updated January 2025

74 thoughts on “Duprasi Breeders – US”

  1. Hi, are there any breeders near Mississippi area? I’ve been searching for a fat tailed gerbil for a while. Thank you.

    • Hello there – and glad you are joining the world of duprasi – they are amazing little critters!

      We can certainly pass your details on to our main US contact over there – as it is most likely you will need to courier your doops to you. There are only a handful of duprasi breeders we know of, so choice is limited right now.

      No worries though – I am sure we can at least look at the options?

      Speak soon,


        • Hello – and duprasi are certainly the pet you need right now!

          There are very few breeders in the US due to their status as ‘no imports’ – however your timing in perfect: there is a breeding programme gaining traction in your area – to help strengthen numbers up to a more sustainable level.

          Please contact or visit Excelsior Exotics on FB and learn more about it – as they have some excess stock coming available. They have recently opened up a waitlist and have transport links also if required.

          Good luck indeed – and please share your journey with us here – or on the (international) Duprasi/Fat-tailed Gerbils FB group. We love sharing images of our little ones. Any questions – please fire them straight back…

          Speak soon,

          RodentZone Team

    • Hello there.

      We can certainly find out for you if our Oregan breeder has any right now, or if anyone else is shipping.

      Bless them, they are certainly worth hunting down!

      Speak soon,


  2. I live in PA. How do I get in contact with the Delaware breeder? I am looking for 1 duprasi and will drive there to pick it up. Thanks.

  3. Hi! I am currently in search of a baby fat tailed gerbil in the DMV area in the US. I am having trouble finding a breeder and would love some help. Thank you!

    • Hi Sky – sorry for the delay – we were trying to locate your nearest breeder but haven’t had any luck so far with any available pups. We may have a breeder nearer the coast if you are able to travel?

      Do let us know either way as we can help find a distant breeder to ship if needed.

    • Hey Pamella – welcome to RodentZone.

      We don’t have contact details for many breeders close by to you – but we do have a popular breeder in Delaware who can ship pups out – if you are happy to discuss details with them – or if they know of any new breeders closer to you – then let us know and we will forward your contact details to them to get in touch.

      Do let us know either way how we can help in your search.

      • hi i’m in illinois – i’ve had 6 hamsters but they never live long enough 🙁 heard rumors these little guys can get up to 5-7? is that true, and do u know anyone in the midwest? or what exactly does “ship pups out” mean? thanks!!

        • Hello indeed – and no sadly – they don’t live as long now as some old sources have reported. 4-5 are the oldest duprasi really, with 3-4 being the most regular lifespan reported.

          ‘Ship pups out’ means find transport or paying for a courier – seeing as duprasi are SO very rare in the US, there are only a few breeders on the whole continent – so finding a breeder close by is almost impossible. Hopefully not so in the future – so contact Tiny Tails and/or Excelsior Exotics to become a part of it!

          Good luck.

  4. Hi, I live in the state of Delaware and am interested in getting fat tailed gerbils. I am hoping to find a breeder and to be put on a wait-list.

    • We certainly have a breeder in that area who we believe has young pups right now – although we aren’t sure if they are reserved already.

      We will forward on you contact details to them anyway and hopefully, they will be in touch (watch your junk folder).

      Fingers crossed…

  5. Hi, I live in the state of Minnesota am interested in getting fat tailed gerbils. I am hoping to find a breeder and to be put on a wait-list.

    • Hello Terri.

      We will contact our doop breeders and see if they know anyone in your area – otherwise it may be that you need to have them shipped over to you – would you consider a courier?

      Speak soon.

        • Thanks again for that – and it might be needed.

          The breeder we have contact with has a bit of a wait list for her stock – but they are happy to chat at least and see how much of a wait that might be.

          There are breeders much further away who may have pups sooner, but we have yet to make contact.

  6. Hi there.

    I left a comment on a different post of yours around a month ago re: Duprasi breeders in Oregon. I see here there are pups ready to reserve, but I can’t find how to access a way to do so! Could you guide me in the right direction?

    • Hello again – and apologies. We did pass your details on to that breeder – so perhaps there has been a technical glitch along the way.

      We will pass your contact details on again and await a reply to confirm.

      Fingers crossed this time.

        • Brilliant – these little ones are certainly hard to come by in some places. Their slow breeding rate doesn’t help – but then we suppose that is what makes them so special…

          Good luck in your search.

  7. Hello! I have searched far for a duprasi because I want a baby one to raise as my pet. They are super adorable and I’ve had no luck. Please help me. I’m on Long Island New York

    • Hello there – and they are indeed super adorable!

      We will pass your details on to the breeder we have that is closest to where you are – so watch out for their contact email and hopefully they can help you find yourself a young duprasi you can fall in love with…

      Fingers crossed!

  8. Hello! I am not sure did I comment on the right post so I posted again. I have been trying to look for a Duprasi as a pet, and I am currently based in DC, I want to ask if there were any breeders around DC area, Thank you!

    • Hello there – and we know of a breeder in your area but we don’t think they have any pups currently.

      We can certainly still check if they are still taking details for a waiting list. How does that sound?

      How long have you been looking for?

      • Thanks for the reply and your help! I can wait for the waitlist ~ i have recently been looking for one, but I don’t know where to, so I was trying to ask for help.


  9. Do you know of any Duprasi breeders who are near or courier in Ohio? I’m clueless as to where to even begin to find any.

    • Hi there – and duprasi are certainly thin on the ground where you are – however we do have a few contacts we can ask for you.

      Hopefully – if they haven’t already – they will be incontact through the details we have here for you – and fingers crossed – can help you find your new pet.

      Good luck.

  10. I am looking for duprasi here on the west coast (Portland, OR). I have found several breeders but seem to be on the east coast, Florida, Texas, and Canada. Do you have any contacts for me located near by? I picked up my Guinea Pigs in Salt Lake City from a breeder in Kansas but it was a long way to travel so I would much rather have a duprasi from a breeder closer to me if possible.

    • Hi there.

      We do know a breeder in Oregon actually – but I believe they have no pups right now – but are still breeding. We will give your contact details to them and they will be in touch when they can.

      Fingers crossed!

    • We aren’t to sure there are many breeders in your area – or none that our breeders are in contact with. Perhaps we can speak to our East Coast breeder and find out more for you.

      Would be great if there were more breeders in the US in general – were you looking to breed yourself?

      RodentZone Team

  11. Hi I was just gifted a fat tailed gerbil down in Miami. The lady who gave it to me said she traveled all the way to New York to get it. Now I wanted to get it a friend since it was given to me alone. Just wondering if you had any connections with fat tailed gerbil breeders in the area South Florida Area. I have bred many reptiles in the past, and I feel like this could be an fun path to take with the gerbils one day. I wanted to start by having two and taking it from there. Thank you and any help you can provide is appreciated.

    • Hello. We do know a breeder or two in the NY area – but I am not sure about FL. They are very hard to find in the US due tothe import regs anyway, but they aren’t easy to breed either.

      We can certainly ask our US people for you – but potentially it might be worth you contacting the AGS as they have breeders there (including Shooting Star Gerbils) who work with many different types of gerbils and jirds and may know someone that we aren’t yet in contact with ourselves.

      Speak soon either way…

      RodentZone team

      • Hey.

        Sounds like there is a current breeder in Florida – however I can’t seen to get a difinative name – and they only seel doops in groups or larger numbers – rather than individual pets apparently. If we can find out their name – we will update you here of course.

        That isn’t to say that they don’t make exceptions (and some litters with doops are only singles anyway) – but certainly search in your area online for exotic pets – or on the US fat-tailed gerbil group etc – and hopefully you can get some more details yourself.

        Good luck.

  12. Hi hi!

    Do you think you could get me in contact with a doop breeder near TN? Would be a great help!

    Thank you so much!

    • We know there is an active breeder in FLA and up near NY – but we aren’t sure about the inbetweens?

      Have you joined the US Fat Tailed Gerbil FB group? They often have a few breeders on there…

      Good luck.

      • Just joined the group! I have some connections with Florida so it would be awesome to get in contact with the breeder there!

      • Heya! I tried to reply earlier but I don’t think it went through. I get the chance to go to florida a lot so if you could get us in contact that would be great!

      • Was wondering if there were any breederz that would be able to ship a fat tailed gerbil to Illinois. Was looking to get one but doesn’t seem like there are any breeders that have them in my state that I have seen. Thank you,

  13. Was looking to see if there were any Duprasi breeders in Illinois or would be able to ship to Illinois. Was looking to buy one if possible but they are pretty hard to find. Thank you,

    • Yes, they are hard to find in the US for sure – especially in certain areas. We do know a breeder a few states over from Illinois, so we will contact them and see where they are with pairings and pups.

      Were you after a male or a female – or whatever you can find!!!

      Speak soon.

      • Was reaching back out again as I wasn’t sure if my previous reply went through. I would prefer a male but if only females are available that is fine as well. Let me know if you are able to find out anything. Thanks for the help.

  14. Hi rodent zone I would like to buy 2 doops in the New York area like near Washington height possibly in Yonkers or queen or the Bronx oh and I would like them female

    • Welcome to the world of Duprasi!

      We shall forward your details on to our nearest breeder in your area and they should be in touch shortly. We aren’t sure they have any pups right now – but they can certainly get you on their wait list.

      Speak soon.

        • Hello – and unfortunately duprasi are very difficult to come by in the US – although there are a few breeders still remaining in the south – such as Tiny Tails who I believe is in Florida.

          It would be best to join the FB group ‘fat tailed gerbils/duprasi/doops’ as there have recently been a few US-based posts which should be quite useful for you. Now that some of the breeders in the northern states have ceased trading, it may be that you need to arrange transport.

          Good luck in your search…

          RodentZone team

    • Yes, we are still waiting to hear back from the breeder. They already have your details though so may be in touch. Remember to check your spam/junk folder just in case…

      Fingers crossed.

    • Really – we are sorry to hear that – maybe there was a mix up somewhere.

      We will contact our breeders near you again and start afresh.

      Apologies indeed.

  15. Hi there I just stumbled across your website and you’re more than welcome to add me to your active breeders list for Duprasi. I’m located in S FL I do keep a wait list for those interested and work with transporters. You can also check out my Facebook page for all the current updates.

    • Fantastic news – we will add your details onto the site for the US.

      Doops are still very unusual to find and it is great to build up a network of contacts – we just saw online yesterday people asking in Canada too – so if you know anyone active up there – that would be amazing!

      We are regularly getting queries across the country – so we will certainly welcome a breeder who works with transporters. Excellent.

      Speak soon, and thanks so much for keeping these little guys in the rodent scene.

      Kind regards,

      RodentZone Team.

      Thanks again

    • Hello.

      It seems that there is a shortage of duprasi breeders still prodcing and distributing pups – however, we will get in contact with a few and see if they know of any other sources for you.

      We will update when we have more info.

      Speak soon,


    • Hello.

      It seems that there is a shortage of duprasi breeders still prodcing and distributing pups – however, we will get in contact with a few and see if they know of any other sources for you.

      We will update when we have more info.

      Speak soon,


  16. Sorry if Colorado has already been mentioned before I may have missed it but are there any breeders in Colorado. I have wanted one of these little guys for so long and I finally moved into an apartment that allows pets. any info would be great!

    • Hi there.

      We have been asking around – but the US is a very difficult place to find a duprasi these days – although there are many transporters setting up loops all the time for other rodents so potentially this could allow for a better movement of duprasi in time.

      There is a breeder in Texas who we don’t currently have contact with – and there are now several breeders in Florida. Contact the American Gerbil Society for any contacts through them – and an idea of recommended transporters.

      We will certainly try to make contact with more breeders in the South for sure as interest is certainly picking up.

      Stay in touch,

      RodentZone Team

  17. Hi, any breeders you could get me in touch with within the PNW? The closer to Seattle, the better.


    • Unfortunately, the only regular breeder in that area (on Oregan) has not been able to get any more duprasi themselves and so has ceased owning duprasi. Most of the few remaining breeders are on the Atlantic East Coast, so you may well have to pay transit – and stock up on a few yourself so that you can keep the species alive over on the Pacific.

      Duprasi really are thin on the ground in the US.

      Sorry we can’t currently be of much more help here.

  18. Hello! I would really like a fat-tailed gerbil. Can you please give me contact information? I live in Indiana, but willing to ship or travel several hours..

    • Hi there – and who wouldn’t, eh?

      We think there is currently only one very active duprasi breeder who is also transporting in them US-wide – and this is Tiny Tail Mousary, Fl. Perhaps hop on to the US fat tail FB page as there was a route map for a mammal drop recently – so if you are lucky – there might be a chance for one sooner than you thought.

      They did already have a wait list – so perhaps it will have to be the next run?

      Good luck.

    • Hi there – and thanks for visiting!

      There is a new project starting up in the US with Tiny Tails & Excelsior Exotics to breed and distribute duprasi throughout the country. You should be able to find both individually on FB or through the Duprasi US FB group.

      We believe no-one else is actively breeding them currently – so this might be the best way to get involved either as a breeder yourself or simply a pet owner to share the good word of duprasi!!!

      Good luck!!!



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