Duprasi Breeders In The UK – Breeder Special

This post is not only for all those people out there looking for a new doop to welcome to your home – but also for the people who are interested in becoming duprasi breeders themselves.

Duprasi Breeders Are Awesome:

I hope that between all of us duprasi breeders in the UK we can share ideas and stock as well as husbandry tips and ideas so that we can keep the doop fancy alive and well.

Hopefully we can make sure that records are kept of all new stock so that when we are pairing up doops as part of new breeding programmes, we can keep the lines as clean and clear as possible so we all know who we are and where we are.

So far there are no ‘new’ colours (like black or argente) or coat types (like wavy and rex) in the fancy yet – as they are still a relatively new species in the pet world – but when these come around, it would be great to share this and work together to bring out the best in this new morph.

Why the Duprasi Breeders Special?

I know from my own experience that finding doops in the first place is quite tricky – but also that it can be hard to find unrelated doops from other breeders as not many people keep clear and consise records – so it is difficult to know for sure that you aren’t buying a doop that is closely related to your stock already.  You can only go on what other people say.

But I want to clear this up – as there is such a small reserve so far of doops in the country – and with possible stock exchange freezing up after potential border control changes – I want to start a record of where everyone’s doops are from and other common facts that are still not widely known in the fancy.

Duprasi Breeders – Stock Records:

I would love for breeders to start keeping records of where they got their stock from – or at least roughly where they got their stock from – so that when they breed their own pups – they can start to pull together some sort of family tree that could be useful down the line when new morphs appear or when people start spotting health issues that may be genetic.

You can’t encourage or try to remove such things from your lines without actually knowing the history of your stock.

Several breeders already keep records of their stock and who is related to whom – but when sourcing new stock it is hard to get the same type of information from other breeders.  Perhaps we should all be helping each other here when starting up a new fancy?

Common Duprasi Health Issues:

Without recording all the things that can ‘go wrong’ with duprasi – we can’t start to advise on what their common health issues are.   We can’t even really suggest a typical lifespan either without sharing this information.

So far all we have seen on other groups and through talking to keepers, doops seem to be relatively healthy animals, but tumours and sudden death seem to be quite common at around the 18 months phase and eye trouble can crop up at any time.  So more work needs to be done here for sure.

Unlike with gerbils (scent gland tumours and seizures) and rats (tumours and kidney trouble) we don’t know enough about what is common in the fancy and what is unusual – so starting to keep decent records of every health issue that comes along in your own or other people’s stock is essential to start getting this recorded – and more widely known.

This is especially true of health issues that could be related to enclosures or diet; things that could easily be rectified by simple changes: as with rats and their requirements for a cage – not a tank; and with chinchillas and degus who need a specific diet to stay healthy.

Duprasi Breeding Husbandry Tips:

Breeding itself is also still a bit of magic with a hint of luck thrown in (unless anyone knows otherwise?).

Many breeders are at around the 30-50% success rate with matings – so there is obviously still much more we can learn about their set ups and diets – as these things may well be key to increasing their breeding rates and so their numbers.

Perhaps they need a certain sized enclosure; a wheel or not a wheel; to be together for longer or for less time; to be a certain age or size, maybe a certain humidity is needed.

But we assume that very few breeders are keeping such records – just accepting whatever comes their way.  But, if we record the results of exactly what we are doing – whether successful or not – this is also useful information even though it doesn’t seem so at first glance.

Share Your Duprasi:

A great way to get the species more known and loved across the UK is to show people what they are and talk to them about their behaviours and lifestyles – and an easy way to do this is to show your fat-tailed gerbil at one of the many gerbil shows (run by the National Gerbil Society (NGS)) around the country throughout the year.

Gerbil shows aren’t all pomp and ceremony like some other shows – and as duprasi are only found in one shape and colour right now – your chances of coming away with a rosette are also very high.

All you need to do to enter is check out the Society’s website and find out where the next show is or the show nearest to you (Bracknell in September; Peterborough in October, Doncaster in January and many more) and then email the society with your duprasis age, sex and name.


Turn up to the show with your doop in a secure cage or carrier on the day – and before the start time, pay your entry (currently just £2 (2025)) and – that is that.

You can share stories of your doops adventures and characters with the public and the other showers at the table; meet other crittters in both the gerbil and other rodent departments; buy great stock; join ‘fancy’ clubs and come away with rosettes, certificates and prizes – AND having shared the duprasi word with fellow animal lovers.

What could be better for a breeder and lover of duprasi than to grow the love?

Share Your Duprasi Stories:

So, in short, what I am hoping for out of this article is for more breeders to start realising the importance of their knowledge and how they can support the species and the fancy itself as it evolves.

As a keeper who is interested in breeding – this article (as the comments grow) could be the perfect place for you to glean useful tips and tricks from before starting out and in those early days.

Also as either of the above, this could be a great place to come to find yourself some great stock – and to share your breeding plans.  Yes, happy and healthy is a must – but what it there are other breeding plans out there that could help us to understand these little guys a bit better?

We can’t wait.

Also see the articles Duprasi Breeding and Genetics Glossary as well as Duprasi Breeders UK for more information.

43 thoughts on “Duprasi Breeders In The UK – Breeder Special”

  1. Just collected my new baby doop after the sad death of Taz – I got him from the same breeder – Clare in Surrey – he is doing very well and a completely different personality to my first one!
    Taz spent a lot of time making nests – this little one now called Pip seems to like sleeping in the open on his back and feet in the air.

  2. Just wanted to say a big thank you for putting me in touch with the East Midlands breeder. I picked up a little boy last weekend. We have called him Hamish and he is amazing. Love him to bits. The breeder has been fantastic. So helpful as this is my first doop.
    Thank you


    • Thanks for that Carol (and Hamish) – it is always great to hear someone got themselves a lovely doop – and even better to get feedback on one of our most popular duprasi breeders.

      We are also hoping to get more articles on the website here about doops, so if you have any ideas for new or helpful articles, please do let us know and we can see what we can do to share more about these little guys.

      Thanks again for your feedback,


      • Yes of course Theresa – whereabouts are you based and I can see if I can put you in touch with a duprasi breeder near you?

        How exciting!!!!


          • Hello Lyndsey.

            Yes, there is a breeder we know in the Derbyshire area, well just south of there. We will contact them and they should forward you an email with details of their available duprasi pups for sale.

            Good luck with your new little doop,


  3. hi there i did send you a couple of posts about duprasis whats the breeder called that lives in the Derbyshire area please i am definitely looking for one for the future could you please give me there email address of them if thats okay kind regards lyndsey

    • Yes Sarah – I will contact our duprasi breeder in Lincolnshire and they should be in touch, however I don’t think they are currently breeding due to the lockdown.

      Watch out in your inbox and junk mail for their contact.


        • Hi Hannah.

          There is a popular breeder in Lincolnshire that we can certainly put you in touch with – but duprasi are thin on the ground right now in this area – so it will be most likely that you can join one of the local breeders’ waiting lists or potentially – if you are happy to arrange and pay the additional costs for – to courier one from further afield?

          We will ask your closest breeder to contact you and you can go from there…

          Kind regards,


  4. Hiya. I’ve recently stumbled on “Doops“ whilst looking for a hamster breeder. And from all the research I’ve now done, I’m smitten. I would really love to own one or two and possibly breed them in the future. Could you please advise me on any breeders near Torfaen in South Wales please? I don’t mind travelling for one (I had to for my pet mice). But it would be great if there was someone more local to me.

    Many thanks


    • Hello Laura – and you are quite right – doops are awesome and you should be smitten!!!

      We know a breeder in south Wales who has recently had a litter and so I will pass on your contact details to them and they will be intouch to discuss details.

      How does that sound???

      Watch out for new emails in your junk folder too.

      Happy hunting – RodentZone.

      • Hello,

        I am looking for a breeder in the Wiltshire/Hampshire area, I was wondering if you could let me know if there are any? I am happy to travel a bit further if needed. I have been researching doops for a few years and now feel ready to add one to my family.

        Best Wishes,


        • Hello Becca.

          If you are happy to travel a bit then we have contacts for a few people – but your best bet I think is in western Surrey as I know a breeder has pups right now. We don’t have contact with anyone in Hampshire of Wiltshire currently with pups unfortunately.

          We will have them contact you direct to see if they are suitable first – otherwise we will be in touch again and see who else is out there.

          Kind regards,


    • Hello Yasmin.

      I think you might be in luck – we have contact with a breeder in the Surrey area – so we will forward on your contact details to them and they should be in touch.

      I am not sure they have any pups available right now though – so it may be a short weight while the next pups grow some.

      Watch out for that email (including spam)


  5. Hi, I’m looking for a couple of fat tailed gerbils if anyone can point me in the right direction,
    I’m based in South yorkshire,

    • Hello Louise – and people are really loving pairs of doops right now – so much so that breeders are wishing that doops have bigger litters!!!

      There are plenty of breeders in the Midlands so we can certainly sort you out with your own little pair of these adorable critters – the sooner the better if you already have a set up in place.

      We have started you off with a contact from one of our most popular breeders – and from there we can certainly make sure you find the doops of your dreams and join the fancy with your very own little pancakes!

      Good luck,


  6. Hello there,
    I am based in South Leicestershire and hoping to buy a doop – please can you put me in touch with a local breeder in Leics/northants if possible? Thank you. (This will be my first duprasi.)

    • Hello Clare – and we will have a look at which breeders we know who are close enough to you.

      And welcome to the world of Doops – what was it that caught your eye?


  7. Hi I am looking for a male doop in South Yorkshire, is there any breeders you could point me to. I am. Happy to go on a waiting list until next year.
    Thank you

    • Absolutely Elizabeth – we will contact our local breeders in the area and if they have any pups – they will be in touch asap.

      A little boy eh? Have you had a doop before – or will this be your first?

      I believe there are several breeders locally to you with pairs together and hopefully pups on the way. How exciting!

      Watch out even in your junk mail for any breeder emails.


  8. Good Evening,

    Looking for a breeder near Essex, don’t mind traveling a little way and don’t mind being on a waiting list.
    Any help would be great.

    • Hello Lauren – and that is perfect that you don’t mind travelling as we know several breeders within an hour or so drive of you – nothing directly in Essex yet – but depending on your location and borders – it could be close to you in Kent or Sussex.

      Watch out for an email from us shortly – maybe in your junk folder – and we can go from there – connecting to to the best duprasi breeder for you!

      Speak soon,


  9. Hi I’m looking for a breeder in the South London area if possible? Kent / Surrey / Sussex / Berkshire / Hampshire also fine if necessary. We’ll probably be ready to buy once most of the current restrictions are lifted.

    • Hello Julie – and welcome to the doop world!

      You sound like you have had doops before – are you looking for a specific doop for a pet – or were you planning to breed as we can always help make sure that they are unrelated if needed?

      We have several breeders in that area we could check on with stock levels and have someone contact you for th finer details.

      Speak soon,


  10. Hi! Thank you for this website and the information. Really curious about duprasi. Do you know of any breeders in North West UK or nearby? Alternatively I would consider someone who uses a courier.

    Also as a side note wondering how often do they need cleaning out? Do their enclosures smell? Can’t find much info about them.

    • Hello Paulina – and we know active breeders in the Midlands who are happy to courier – but don’t have contacts for breeders that bit further up just yet.

      We have a breeder with pups right now that work closely with their own courier – so they could be just what you are looking for if you are ready to go in the next week or so?

      As for cleaning out – it depends on 3 things really:

      1) how neat they are – many doops will concentrate their ‘toilets’ in one corner, on a ledge. or in a coconut shell – perfect for spot cleaning.
      2) how large the enclosure is – the larger – the less often for a full clean. Smaller ones could need part cleans every week or so.
      3) how many you have – a pair can make a lot more less than a single that is for sure!

      We will have the breeder get in touch for your details so they can see what their delivery schedule is like.

      Kind regards.

  11. Hello are there any Duprasi breeders in South West England. I’m in Gloucester. If not which is the nearest? Thanks a lot . Andrew 🙂

    • Hello Andrew.

      Thanks for finding us – this is one of the best places to find you the doops of your dreams!

      Are you able to travel to South Wales – as we know a breeder there who will most likely have doop pups shortly?

      Otherwise, if you are happy to courier – there are several other breeders across the country?

  12. Hi there, I’ve had a drop before, she was absolutely brilliant and I loved her to pieces. I was broken when I lost her and couldn’t face another. I’m just putting some feelers out to try and find any local breeders for once I’m ready to welcome a new one (I need to get everything set up first)

    I’d also be very interested in breeding in the future, once i know lots more!

    I’m in the Bedfordshire area but happy to travel.

    • Hi there – it would be great to welcome another breeder onboard when you are ready – it isn’t an easy job though – they are nothing like ‘normal’ gerbils in their pairings. Maybe the main reason there aren’t many long-term breeders around!

      We can certainly check out the nearest current breeders to you though and see who would be your closest starting point for sure.

      Speak soon,

      RodentZone Team

    • Hi there – and welcome to the world of duprasi.

      The south West is a bit of a dry patch for duprasi currently – however there is a regular breeder in Hampshire and another less frequently so in South Wales. Otherwise – if you are happy to use a courier (usually around the £70-£100 mark) there are other breeders across the UK who have doops all the time. It is just the distances that are the issue most often.

      If you are happy for a courier – then let us know and we can see if we can match you up with someone further afield – and get you your dream doop before the end of March for sure.

      Stay in touch,

      RodentZone Team

  13. hello all, can anyone put me in touch with the duprasi breeder mentioned in the above feed who lives in brighton? many thanks! X

    • Hello – and great that you are looking for a duprasi as they are very popular at the moment and we breeders are all very excited.

      The Brighton breeder is Chris Henwood – but we aren’t sure if he has any pups right now, but he is very active on the duprasi FB group right now. If you are on the group – please make a new post saying you are looking in Brighton – and he will answer (or I will tag him for you).

      Fingers crossed he has some – or we know a breeder in Surrey who is also very active on the group and so would be a good back up.


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