There are many breeders throughout the Midlands now, who are working together to make sure everyone gets an adorably cute and friendly duprasi pup.
With around 6 different breeders in the area, this group are able to always have a litter ready to home throughout the year without ever having to overbreed their own animals.
No one breeder could have enough doops to constantly churn out a whole load of pups on their own – and we wouldn’t want them to breed back-to-back either.
So, working with each other and sharing information, they work together to find you the closest – or the soonest – duprasi to suit your needs.
They often have a waiting list each to prioritise on – but are happy to let you know of another breeder close by if that saves on courier fees and time. Obviously, some people only want to use the one same breeder that they used before – or one a friend was very happy with – and that is fine – your choice. But for everyone else just starting out – whoever is closest or who has pups available right now should always be given to you as an option.
That way – YOU decide on what you want with the options rather than you having to join several different waiting lists or pay for and arrange a courier only to then find a breeder up the road.
No-one wants that.
Skip to: Duprasi Gerbil Breeders – UK
Finding The Perfect Duprasi Pup For You:
Deciding on which pup or pups you are looking for early on – will be easier to help direct you to the right breeder. Everything becomes clearer once you make a few decisions:
A Single Doop – or A Pair:
If you want a single duprasi – then you can get one anywhere.
Duprasi aren’t very succesful breeders in that 50% of their pairings don’t result in a litter of pups. So, if you are only waiting for a single pup – not only are you more likely to get one if you want just the one (as is everyone else) – but you can fit around people ahead of you on the waiting list who want a pair. If a doop has a litter of three and the people in front of you on the waiting list all want pairs – you get to jump the queue!
Duprasi are just like dwarf hamsters and normal geribls in that they often live with a sibling or parent quite contently – however at any point – they can change their mind. Relatively low-level squabbling is more likely – but if they tails start to become torn (the place the doops attack when fighting) or they start the whole screeching stand-offs – then perhaps those two need to live apart.
Duprasi do live just fine on their own, however. They don’t need a companion at all – and infact many duprasi actually prefer single living. You can see this when they are teenagers – often beating up siblings and sleeping alone. There is no right or wrong to singles or pairs – you choose.
Male or Female Doop:
Similarly to above – if you aren’t bothered on which sex you want – you are in the best position on any and every waiting list.
There is no noticable difference in character between a male or a female duprasi specifically – they are all individuals – and just as many people ask for females and they do for males when looking for a new pup. There really isn’t anything in it (apart from the more visible ‘conkers’ on the males of course).
Everyone has their own story for males vs females – but often when you dig deeper into the story they have only had one of each, or the grumpy one lived elsewhere. This makes direct comparisons of the sexes unfair really as it could be any number of things that are done differently between those doops being compared.
Either way – a huge number of duprasi owners are happy with their doop – male OR female so it really is just down to luck.
If you do want a specific sexed pup – it is best to make this clear early on so that the breeder you first contact can be sure they have what you want. Baby doops can be quite hard to sex individually once they are furred and before they are 3 weeks old (well 4 weeks to be 100% sure). You can sex them as pinkies if you can safely get into the nest, but of course you can only tell numbers – you still have to wait for them to be old enough again to tell which is which. Well they so all look the same after all!!!
Animal Courier or Collect Your Own Doop:
Due to the rarity of duprasi breeders – and the previous years lock-downs and reduced contact measures – it has been more common these days to employ an animal transport agent or small animal courier to collect and deliver your doop for you. For as little as £45 you can have your doop pups collected from the breeder and delivered to your door for you in most places in mainland UK. To drive there yourself in fuel and time is quite often going to be more than that for sure.
Although many people like to see what they are buying before they buy it, in almost all cases, you don’t get to choose the doop anyway. In virtually all instances, the doops are reserved and booked up way in advance of them even being born, so if you want a male and there is only a single male in the litter – he’s yours either way. Unless you already have a very strict shopping list on seeing him – would you refuse to buy him once you had taken over a month (or longer) just to find him and driven all the way there to collect him?
We are not saying that you should buy an animal off someone you don’t know just for convenience, but it would be worth considering your ‘worst case scenario’ before agreeing on a collection either way.
If you are sure you want the healthiest and friendliest doop or nothing – and run it through your mind and discover that really, it wouldn’t make any difference at all whether you drove there and it had a bald patch (it’ll grow back) and jumped out of your hands when you picked it up (probably just your new smell) – would you still bring it home?
Then, considering that courier option doesn’t seem so far out.
Obviously, only ever use a breeder and a courier that have been recommended to you by someone you trust. If you don’t want the risk of something going wrong – then don’t take any risks – it’s simple.
Breeding Lines
If you are considering breeding yourself – even if you are nowhere near ready right now – it is worth considering the lines of the doop that you buy. Never go on the location of the breeder for the line information as we ourselves are aware of two big breeders who have sold their stock to people all over the UK, and often help set up new breeders. So if one of your breeding doops was from Manchester and the other from Swindon – they could actually still be brother and sister.
People also change their mind on pets too – having bought one as a pet with no line information – and then had to rehome it – someone looking to breed might buy it with no idea of where it was from or if it is related to their own duprasi or whether it had health issues etc. If someone you are buying your breeding stock off cannot tell you (unassisted) exactly where it is from over several generations where possible – then you really shouldn’t be buying that stock at all. There are plenty of reputable breeders who know their related and unrelated lines inside-out – so why would you take a unnecessary gamble?
Most breeders are happy to work with and supply new breeders with stock – so that we can all be sure that new breeders – like yourselves – are not only well informed but are all using unrelated healthy lines rather than ‘backyard breeding’ as it is often called (just pairing X with Y because you have them and they are the same thing).
Obviously, if you are wanting specific lines to be a new reputable breeder – you may need to wait for the right stock to come along. Obviously the sooner you tell your breeder that you are looking to breed and have identified where your original stock is from (if you already have a duprasi or two) the sooner we can get you on the right waiting list.
Sometimes it will take two different breeders to supply you with a starting trio if you are completly knew to doops – but it is certainly worth the wait. And then of course you know you also have a good breeder or two as your new mentors.
The Age Of Your Doop
Most people getting a new doop want a pup – and we don’t blame you.
Pups are adorable and are usually homed at around the 6 weeks mark while they are still tiny and cute – so you have your whole lives together.
As with all pups though – there are downsides too. Firstly that pups are well jumpy! It is very likely that a new pup will leap out of your hands at a moments notice, escape from small holes and refuse to be caught! I know you will soon overcome these issues with careful handling and patience, but apart from what the breeder sees in those few weeks before they home them – they can’t be sure of their characters as adults as they haven’t finished growing.
From around 3-4 months they settle down a bit more into their adult form and so breeders and keepers can finally see the real characters. They also reach their adult weight around now too – so if you wanted a big fat chunky doop – you will only find out about now whether you have got one (usually over 60g at this point).
Buying a slightly older doop from a breeder isn’t a bad thing. Often breeders keep hold of a doop that looks good for potentially joining the breeding programme but isn’t – or a buyer falls through for whatever reason – and then often you can jump the queue if you are willing to accept one that is a few weeks or months older. Sometimes these guys are ready to home immediately too – bonus!
Algerian Duprasi or Egytian Fat-Tail?
It isn’t 100% clear yet about how the different-looking duprasi stay different – or if they are just like people and can be either. Basically doops seem to either be round, fat and flooofy – or slimmer and more greasy-looking. It doesn’t appear to run in families (a litter can be half flooofy and half greasy-looking) but you can usually tell by 6 weeks which they are.
It was once thought that they were two subspecies – duprasi that were wild caught from different places – with one called the Algerian type and the other called the Egyptian type – but so many people called them both the same things or gave the opposite descriptions to each (the Algerian long and greasy-looking with a beaky-looking face and Egyptian fat and round – OR – the Algerian fat and round and the Egyptian long and greasy-looking with a beaky-looking face). However, they have been unknowingly/carelessly bred together so much over the past 30-40 years that it probably doesn’t even exist anymore?
However, if you want a fat round floofy one – just ask and we can see what we can do?
Personal Choice
Your own personal choice is a great thing to have – and we think everyone should have their standards if something is really important to them. However, just be aware that with something rare like a duprasi – being choosy will most likely add on time to your wait.
This isn’t a bad thing of course – as you want the right pet for sure – but just be aware that if you want to hold out for something – please be 100% sure that what you are waiting for is so important to you that you won’t compromise. Otherwise, if you get bored of waiting or can’t find what you want – you may end up back where you were 6 months ago and could have had a doop already!
We have had people waiting over a year for a doop to match their requests. We will get there between us – but you need to be sure that is what you want. If you are clear from the beginning what you want exactly – these things are possible and we can be more realistic about timings.
A doop pairing is only 50% successful, so even if all goes to plan and the breeder is in your same location – pairing to collection could still be over 2 months. If it wasn’t successful first time and you needed the pups of that same female – then there will be an additional month (minimum) each time – possibly longer.
Buying Your Perfect Duprasi Pup
So, if you wanted a single duprasi pup of any sex of any line or any type and were happy to use a courier – you could get your doop that same week – and many people do.
If you were happy with an older pup – same too. You could get one that same week if you were ready.
However, if you were waiting for a pair of female duprasi pups in your area only – it could be 2-6 months depending on the breeder near you. Also, duprasi are very rude at having all same sex litters – so if you are really unlucky and wait 3 months for a litter – they may well all be males!
They also have the odd singleton too these fat-tailed ladies – so needless to say – you will have to wait for another litter if that was the case too.
It isn’t all so bad though – like we said – many people get their new doop pups withing 2 months – so there is always a chance that lucky buyer will be you!

Add your comments here for any questions or to find your perfect breeder…
Hey, I’m looking for a single duprasi of any sex. I recently lost mine so I have experience in owning them
Hello Steph – and there are doops being born all over the place right now – so I am sure we can get you one reserved.
Are you able to travel outside of your area – and how far would that from your closest big city?
Having a loss is always sad – but a new pup is a whole new adventure just beginning…
Hi. I live in derby and I was wondering if there are any breeders in my area? Thanks
Hello Gemma – and yes – we have a breeding in Derby itself.
They don’t currently have any pups – but will keep your details on a waiting list for sure. We also have other breeders within about an hours drive of Derby as well who may have pups sooner -so do let us know what your thoughts are on that.
Are you looking for a single doop or perhaps a pair?
im looking for a single doop. do you know when there will be pups available in derby?
We are just contacting them again for you.
They had a single pup that was reserved – but if that hasn’t gone – we will see if that is still available – but if they need to wait for a second litter, it could be born just in the New Year (ready for homing mid-late February).
We also know of breeders further afield with pups right now if you wanted one sooner and were happy to use a courier (usually around £50 door to door same-day collection).
Speak soon.
Hi Gemma.
Unfortunately they have already homed their remaining pup – but are expecting some more to be born any day now. You are still at the top of their waiting list though – so there is that at least.
Alternatively, there are other breeders a bit further afield who have pups right now – or who will at least have pups ready sooner – so we will keep you updated as we hear of more, unless you tell us otherwise of course.
Speak soon,
I have just lost my beloved doop so on the look out for another. I am just looking for one of any sex and I am based in Sheffield. I got my old on from a breeder in Derbyshire but have lost her contact details.
No worries – we think we know who they were – we will check if they have any pups right now…
Hi just wondered if you had found any near me?
Hello again. The breeders in your area haven’t got back to me yet – not sure if they are away for the holidays?
One breeder further north hasn’t got any and another a few hours south hasn’t either – and currently none on the horizon. We ourselves may well have a spare one available in the next few weeks if anything doesn’t go plan – so at least you are on the waiting list incase that happens.
There is a breeder in Surrey who has pups right now though still – but obviously a bit of the way out if you weren’t looking to use a courier.
Hi, just wondered if you had a spare Duprasi left?
Thanks x
We think we actually might – just a few final tweaks tomorrow – and we can confirm for sure…
So, Faye – apologies for the delay – but we do still have a male remaining availble – but which one exactly won’t be decided until mid-week.
Were you able to collect from near Lincoln potentially next weekend or thereabouts?
Hello, I’m looking for a single doop of either sex. I live in Dronfield near Sheffield. Can you help? Thanks
Hello Jo. We aren’t sure why we couldn’t see you post until today – so apologies there.
We know several breeders in that area or within a short drive – so we will find out what they have at the moment – or are expecting.
Were you looking for anything specific with your doop or doops?
Hello i live in leicester, and have had gerbils for nearly 5 years. Looking for doop. Don’t mind the sex maybe 1 of each or 2 the same.
Do you have any? Will collect myself.
Hi Reena – and yes we currently do have some pups here but we need to see how many of each geneder we have with them so we can home them to the people currently on the waiting list before you.
If you aren’t so fussed on numbers of genders – then this may well work in your favour. We will also contact the other breeders in the area to see how their own programmes are working out currently.
Hi any update on when some will be become available.
My current gerbils seem to coming end of life so would like to replace them with Doops.
Our breedes in that area either haven’t got any pups or have stopped breeding entirely unfortunately. We do have a breeder in Lincolnshire currently with 4 week old pups (so ready to home in around 3-4 weeks from now if that isn’t too far.
Otherwise a breeder in Surrey may well be able to full or part deliver some of their own pups to you (for a small additional cost) if that is of interest.
Speak soon
Hiya, I live in Alfreton and I’m looking for a fat tailed gerbil, are there any breaders within the Derby Nottingham area. Thank you
There are several breeders in your area – but none seem to have pups available right now – so we can certainly get in touch with a few and see if anything has changed in the past few weeks – or if they are now expecting any.
Several breeders can’t get unrelated new stock themselves over tha past few years – so breeding females are becoming a rare commodity indeed.
Anyway – speak soon,
Hi,are there any Duprasi pups available in the Sheffield area?
Hello Mel – and yes – there are several breeders in the Sheffield area – however, I don’t think any of them have got any pups right now.
Our popular breeder in the East Midlands has a few litters just born – but also has a decent waiting list. We you looking to source one as soon as possible – if so perhaps look at using a courier and getting one from further afield.
We can help either way – so do just let us know your thoughts and we can get a plan in place together.
Speal soon,
Great post.
Hi there, I’m looking for a duprasi pup, either sex. I’m in North Lincolnshire, willing to travel within reason. can you help please?
Hello Rachel – you might be in luck!
We currently have a breeder in Lincolnshire with pups and hopefully they have some for homing. They always have wa waiting list though – but depending on the gender and number you want – there is always a chance of finding a little one (or two).
We will pass on your contact details and hopefully you will hear from them shortly.
Best of luck!
RodentZone Team
ooo thank you so much!
Hi. we live in Gloucester and looking for a young duprassi pup, either sex. Are there any local breeders with availability?Happy to travel within a 1hr radius.
Hi there – and doops requests are hotting up in the South West for sure – but breeders are still thin on the ground.
There is a breeder in South Wales, Hampshire, near Coventry and another in Hemel Hempstead, so hopefully one of them is within an easy drive for you and we can contact them?
Let us know if any suit and we can go from there.
Fingers crossed,
Hello I was wondering if there were any breeders in the Derbyshire/Nottinghamshire/south Yorkshire area. I’m desperate for a baby duprasi
Hello there – and we know THAT feeling!
There are several breeders in your area – but none of them currently are actively breeding – so you might need to look a bit further afield if you want want in the next few months for sure. If you would consider a courier (£70+) then you may be able to get yourself a lovely doop before the end of this month!
Speak soon,
I’m in the nottingham / Loughborough area and wondered if there were any breeders within say an hours drive!
Hello Sarah – and yes indeed. There are two breeders close to that area – although we are not sure if one has paired any this year.
The breeder in Nottingham currently has pups as has another breeder your side of Lincolnshire – who currently has females ready to go from next weekend at the earliest. We will contact the Notts breeder and see what they have.
Kind regards,
Thank you!
Just after a single pup either gender!
We will pass your details on to them and they should be in touch soon…
I’m looking for a doop and am based in Cheshire. Is there anything available in the north west or close by at all?
Many thanks
Hi there Clare.
There aren’t many breeders in the NW for sure – but there were a few in the Cheshire area a few years back. We don’t often get updates from these breeders so not sure whether they are still breeding or not – but we will make contact again and see where they are with litters.
Are you looking for a male or female – or just any doop?
Kind regards,
RodentZone team
Thank you so much. We’d prefer male but would consider a female.
Many thanks
Hi again Clare.
Noone in your area currently has pups – we think Nottingham is the closest breeder actually WITH pups – although there was possibly a few in Derby? Is that too far away for a drive?
Let us know and we can try to help out – or ask on the FB group (Fat Tailed Gerbils) and see who replies?
Speak soon,
is there any breeders maldon essex way please
Hello there.
We are short on breeders in Essex sadly, although there are several breeders not far away if you are in the south or near the M25. Brighton, Aldershot and Hemel Hempstead have regular breeders, otherwise in the north, Lincoln and Derby really are the closest.
Couriers can deliver anywhere though if you wanted to save your own time and fuel.
Will this be your first duprasi?
hi is they any breeders around me I’m prepared too travel. I live in hull
Hello there – and welcome to the world of duprasi!!
There is a breeder near Lincoln, but they don’t currently have baby babies – or would you consider slightly teenage individuals?
Otherwise, there are breeders in Notts and Derbs who may have pups if you drive?
Do join the Fat Tail/Duprasi group on FB and post on there – there is usually a good response.
Hi! I’m located in Pennsylvania nearby NY, NJ and DE
Any duprasi gerbils for sale?
Hello – and duprasi are certainly the pet you need right now!
There are very few breeders in the US due to their status as ‘no imports’ – however your timing in perfect: there is a breeding programme gaining traction in your area – to help strengthen numbers up to a more sustainable level.
Please contact or visit Excelsior Exotics on FB and learn more about it – as they have some excess stock coming available. They have recently opened up a waitlist and have transport links also if required.
Good luck indeed – and please share your journey with us here – or on the (international) Duprasi/Fat-tailed Gerbils FB group. We love sharing images of our little ones. Any questions – please fire them straight back…
Speak soon,
RodentZone Team
I’m looking for a duprasi any sex looking to buy one in Manchester.
Hello – and duprasi is a gret choice!!!
There is a breeder in Nottingham who regularly travels to Stone – so hopefully this route will be close enough to you to arrange a collection on or part way? Are you on the duprasi/fat tailed gerbil FB group as they regularly post on there of their available pups? Just post with your region – and your duprasi requirements (pup/adult, single/pair, etc) and you will be put in contact the same day…
See you there soon…
RodentZone Team