Duprasi Breeder In Lincolnshire

Are you looking for a duprasi breeder in Lincolnshire or the East Midlands – as we have our very own popular breeder right here. (updated January 2025)

Getting yourself on their waiting list is advised.

Based on the border of Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire; breeding duprasi here allows them to have doops for sale in both counties, as well as Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Cambridgshire, Norfolk and South Yorkshire without too much of a drive.

As always, they are planning to attend various hobby shows across the UK if they are open as planned, and if possible, they can offer transport options for doops along the routes to those areas.

So, if you are looking for a cute little fat-tailed gerbil for your home as a new pet – then we may well have the perfect breeder for you to contact.

About Our Local Duprasi Breeder:

Having worked in the pet trade and veterinary fields for many years, and having specialised in breeding rodents for most of that time – taking on duprasi breeding as a hobby was the next natural step.  And with their lifelong interest in rodent biology and genetics – why not take up the challenge of breeding duprasi – aka fat-tailed jirds – who are well known for their fickle breeding habits?

Who doesn’t like a challenge?

With the first pet duprasi to grace their home in late 2016, Pancake; since then it has moved on fast.  They now have 7 breeding females, 4 breeding males, 6 retired mums, and several random stock as part of their kennel, and have a litter every other month, on average, to fill everyone’s hearts with furry joy in the East Midlands and sometimes even further afield.

With interest in their doops for sale from as far out as Scotland, Wales and Ireland, and many more in the local area, they keep excellent records of all interested parties and send regular and relevent updates.

Messages and/or emails on the pups available; waiting times; and videos of already confirmed pups and their littermates are a regular feature of this breeders communications – so you are kept aware of every step of your duprasi journey – from first contact to collection.

Why Are Duprasi So Hard To Find?

Duprasi have been in the pet trade for several decades now – but haven’t really taken off ‘big’ yet like regular gerbils or hamsters – mainly due to their availability.

Duprasi are very hard to get hold of in general – even from exotic breeders and specialist pet stores – so there is nearly always a waiting list when you finally find a breeder.  And you literally do just have to wait (unless you are very lucky and someone on the list before you has changed their mind on their collection date).

Why the Wait?

The reason for the waiting list is because duprasi are notoriously hard to consistently breed – and if you don’t get their environment just how they want it; or their partner really isn’t up to scratch; or simply that they can’t be bothered this season – you won’t get any pups.  And even when they do produce young – it is often just a singleton.

However, our Linconshire breeder has managed to find the almost perfect set up and their duprasi are reacting to that very well.  With an average litter size of three to four pups so far – all was looking good.

They have had many happy duprasi pups find a new home from their beginnings – and many, many, returning buyers both private and animal care colleges – and now hopefully now they can pick back up throughout 2025.  Especially this approaching summer, incase anyone wants a duprasi as a well-earned present for themselves…


Duprasi Pups Available To Reserve (Updated January 2025):

We have an updated list of their current stocks after success at the Bradford Small Animal Show in January 2025 and planned litters for late Spring 2025 too:

September Litters:  2 pairs successful – All homed from waiting list 

October Litters: 3 pairs successful – All homed  – many as groups  

November Litters: 1 pairs only – Pups homed – mid-January at the Bradford Small Animal Show (Doncaster) – all from waiting list

January Litters:  2 pairs planned Pups expected early January – homing mid-March – early April

They also often have some older doops for homing if you are looking for unrelated pairs to start your own breeding programme.

Their waiting list is in place with people already in line for some of the above pups – but it is constantly changing due to personal preferences and preferred collection dates.

So do get in contact as soon as you can – to get your foot in the door first – and then you can iron out the final details as they happen. I mean you can never predict the sexes or numbers of pups – or even litters with this species.

Your place on the list doesn’t change though – I mean, if you are 3rd in the waiting list you will be the 3rd person to reserve the pup of your choice, but if you want a female and the next litter born has only three males (which has happened before) then you get moved around on the list to suit your needs.

And if you don’t want a doop until after the holidays, or you want two unrelated doops from different bloodlines, then your place will be held for future litters that are a better match for your needs.

As mentioned above though, the average litter size for this breeder so far is just 3 pups; and they are only homed after they reach 6 weeks, so sometimes there is rather a long wait between litters for the buyer – and months can pass waiting for the right combinations.  So patience is sometimes needed with doops, that’s for sure – but it is certainly worth it.

So far everyone has definitely been happy to wait, and there have been enough pups to cater for everyone’s needs.

Still Interested In Homing A Duprasi?

So, if you are still interested in getting hold of a duprasi in Lincolnshire – or finding a fat tailed gerbil pup for sale in the East Midlands or beyond – do comment on this post with what you are looking for and when, and we shall forward your contact details on to our breeder.

This breeder regularly travels across the UK too, so a collection from the Midlands isn’t always necessary.  Meetings can be arranged to most places the breeder travels to including livestock shows and/or using fellow animal lovers as couriers.

If you want a doop in another area far away, please do check out our other article about duprasi breeders across the UK in general, currently including Surrey, Hampshire, Sussex, Yorkshire, the North-East, Cheshire, South Wales and Kent for starters – Duprasi Gerbil Breeders UK

Happy hunting!

93 thoughts on “Duprasi Breeder In Lincolnshire”

    • Hi,
      I’m in Leicester and looking for a new Duprasi pup. Any information on a breeder would be amazing. Many thanks

  1. Hi i am wanting to purchase 2 fat tailed gerbils for my Grandaughter ,so far i have had little success please could you put me on a waiting list with a breeder in east midlands or lincoln areas as i live in south yorkshire . Your
    assistance would be greatly appreciated . Thank you Anne Greenwood

    • Hello Anne.

      Absolutely – my Lincolnshire breeder has pups ready right now for homing – so I will give them your details and they should be in contact via email shortly.

      Your wait is over!


      • Hello Anne,

        Hope you new doops are settling in well and your granddaughter loves them!

        Glad we were able to find a breeder near you who had some pups that suited your needs…

        Enjoy them both.


      • Hello,
        I’m looking for a fat tailed gerbil in my area, I’m around East Sussex, Hastings and trying to find somewhere that is not too long of a drive

        Many thanks

        • Hello Laura – and you are in luck!

          There is a breeder in Brighton who is expecting pups for January – so if you want to join the Duprasi FaceBook group – you can message them direct from there. Just start a post asking for a breeder in Sussex and they, Chris, will say Hi.

          Sounds perfect for you…

      • Good morning. I live in Derbyshire and looking for a fat tailed gerbil, can anyone please put me in touch with a breader Midlands area, Nottinghamshire Derbyshire Lincolnshire

        • Hello again – and so far we can’t find any breeders in your area with available pups – or even expecting.

          The breeders in Surrey & Sussex have pups that can be couriered for sure (usually an extra £60+) but our Lincolnshire breeder has got 2 litters of pups – but we haven’t got the numbers yet – and as they already have a waiting list – it might be that there are some spare if the litters are larger than expected. If you wanted to join their waiting list yourself just incase – do let us know and we can get you added.

          How exciting!

        • Are you still looking for a doop Kelly?

          Our Linconshire breeder has some pups currently as well as a few slightly older pups/teenagers which may be suitable for you?

          Do let us know either way and we can get you added to their waiting list.

  2. Please can I have details of breeders closest to barnsley that have some ready to buy. Prefer Algerian if possible .
    Kind regards

    • Hello Sarah.

      This particular breeder is based just north of Lincoln and often travels around the area; so you can either meet up close to Lincoln or match up a day when they are out and about in the region.

      I have already asked them email you with details of when they are next closer to your location.

      Happy doop hunting…

  3. Hi

    Ive just had my first litter of Duprasi – my girl had a whopping 6 babies! From what I can see this is a huge litter so she has done so well.

    • Yes Leanne – 6 is a big litter for doops – and I just love the way they seem to hide them. Quite often you only think they have 4 and then suddenly a new head appears…

      They seem to cope really well with these larger litters and seem to enjoy all the attention they get – where I used to find normal gerbils trying to find a safe spot with a litter that big. And doops do it all alone too – they don’t usually like the males hanging around too long afterwards.

      Are you a hobby breeder Leanne or was this just a one-off? Have you plans to expand your collection in 2019?

    • Hi leanne
      We live in Derby and have been looking for 2 duprasi for a long time
      Just found your details . Its very unclear how to contact you so I’m hoping this message will reach you!!
      Looking forward to hearing from you with good news that you have some pups for sale or duprasi that need rehoming.

      Best wishes

      • Hello Julie.

        We will contact this breeder and see if they have any currently available in the Derby area, and let you know the outcome.

        Also you say you are looking for 2 duprasi – but is this to go together in the same set up or to be houses independantly – as this will allow for some flexibility with homing. We also have contact details for another couple of breeders not too far away who we could also contact depending on availability.

        Anyway – speak soon,


        • Hi there
          I think we will just be looking for 1 as I do not want to risk one of them being bullied after having read your post.
          Please contact any breeder with reasonable sistance.
          really dont want to miss any messages.
          Many thanks
          Julie Brown

    • Hello Elly – and thanks for you question – it is one that is being asked a lot right now. And it has been a while since we wrote this article so I have spoken to a lot more keepers now.

      There isn’t much established information about doops right now as many people have just had one – or had one twice – that people are still not 100% sure if they should or shouldn’t be kept together.

      Obviously we know they are fine on their own as so many people have done that – so a single doop is certainly the norm and well accepted. All of my adult doops live alone.

      However, there are more people now willing to try doops in pairs to help us all find out if this is a viable option. Remember that most dwarf hamsters are sold as pairs and can live for most of their lives together until they fight (or kill each other); and virtualy all mongolian gerbils are sold in pairs and are actively encouraged to be with another gerbil – even if they had a serious fight with the first. And do bear in mind that a huge number of Mongolian gerbils end up declanning – but we still pair them up.

      As for groups of doops – I haven’t spoken to anyone who has tried this myself, although I recently had a trio of teenage male pups still together in a standard set up and one of them was certainly getting bullied (with bites all over his tail). Whether a group would do better in a more realistic set up (like a 4-foot viv with different substrates and natural features) I don’t know yet – but it is certainly something I will be looking in to as I research more about their behaviour.

      So although doops can squabble a lot when living together (and can bite holes in each others tails) – we actually need to discover whether they love the company of others and just occasionally fall out over something minor before being friends again; or they just about tolerate others because they are stuck in the same enviroment – and keep biting each other as a warning to stay away. There is a vital difference here.

      If you are just starting out with doops then you just need to decide for yourself whether you want just one and devote all your love to them (as they can be great snugglers) or whether you want to take two (ideally related doops) in a nice big environment and see how they go. Obviously – just like with any animals, if they don’t get on, you will need to consider splitting them up permanently into a set up each down the line.

      You will be part of the research if you do decide on a pair – so do stay in touch whatever you decide.


  4. Hi there! I am looking for two duprasi gerbils and I am located in Glasgow.. Any idea if there is any breeders nearby? Or can I arrange a courier to collect the babies from the breeder? Thank you xx

    • Hello Jessica – you can do both/either.

      There is an active duprasi breeder in Stirling that I can send you the details of, to see if they have any litters to home or any due at least – otherwise there is always the option to courier from another breeder if they don’t.

      Watch out for my email coming shortly…

      Speak soon,


  5. Hi there I’m looking for a fat tailed gerbil been looking for months and months I’m in the altrincham area of Manchester could a courier be arranged?
    I have 4 rescue gerbils all in separate gerbilariums . I have a spare quite big gerbilarium so I thought a fat tailed gerbil would be great
    Regards Louise

    • Hello Louise.

      I know – they are so hard to find aren’t they? However that spare huge tank sounds like it has Doop written all over it! They love a bit of flat space to charge around in.

      I have contacts with a few breeders across the country, but I haven’t got the details of any in your area – the closest I know is in the East Midlands? Of course you could courier from there – but I have no ideas on costs etc. I shall get them to contact you if that’s ok – and you can discuss things in more detail that way.

      How does that sound for starters?


  6. Hi and sorry if this is a duplicate post – I clicked ‘post comment’ about an hour ago, but it hasn’t appeared on this page so I’m having another try!

    I’m looking for Duprasi breeders within a 2 hour drive from Holmfirth (Huddersfield) and I’m more than happy to go on a waiting list. Would you be kind enough to let me know please.

    Many thanks.

    Ps – I’m also going to leave a message with your Lincolnshire breeder on their page here.

    • Hello Lisa – and you certainly right to make sure you contact a breeder as doops can be rather hard to find sometimes.

      I know the ever-popular Lincolnshire breeder has a new litter (ready in around 3 weeks) and the pups are just about within your driving distance. I know they are also going to be at the Warwickshire Expo on May 19th if that is something you attend or know of someone who does?

      Anyway, I shall pass your details on to them to be sure they get it and hopefully they should be in touch shortly.

      Good luck,


      • Hi, please could you put me in contact / on the waiting list of one of your Duprasi breeders that are preferably as close to cornwall as possible. However I don’t mind travelling for one of these little Ive been desperately trying to find a Doop breeder but seem to have very little luck. Please help haha
        Thank you

        • Hello Elizabeth.

          I know a few breeders who have pups available right now and accept courier collections (as none of them are close to you I’m afraid) so it really just depends on your prerefence to the age, sex and ‘type’ or duprasi as that could help direct me to the best breeder for your requirements.

          Speak soon,


          • Hey Paula.

            Welcome to RodentZone – and we may well have a courier visiting your area in two weeks time who has a spare pup? Can’t guarantee anything – but if you are happy to pay the additional courier fee (usually around £50) and let us know whether you have a preference of sex or singles/pairs – we can get you the details?

            Speak soon…

  7. Please could I get the contact details for this breeder please. We are based in Norfolk, and they seem to be our closest breeder.

    Many thanks 🙂

    • Absolutely Lewis, and I am sure they can help you out as I know they have a litter at the moment…

      I’ll forward them your details, so watch out in you inbox.

      Happy dooping,


    • Hello again Lisa – as stated on the other thread – our Lincolnshire breeder currently has at least one pup loooking for a home – so watch out for their email coming soon.

      Take care,


  8. Hello, I’m looking for doops in Manchester area. I left a message a few days ago but it doesn’t seem to have worked?!
    Thank you 😊

    • Yes, it did work Amy. You left a message on a different page on this website whic was answered.

      Basically, we know of a possible litter ready for reserving in the Peak District area. I am just waiting for details from the breeder and if they still have some available, they will contact you in the next day or two.

      Fingers crossed you get an email any day now (and remember to check your junk folder just in case).


    • Hey Pamela.

      Are you looking for two doops already living together or two seperate doops to live apart? Do you want males or females, and do they need to be pups?

      We know a few breeders in your area that could possibly help once we know what you want.

      Speak soon,


    • Hey Pam – brilliant – I have forwarded your details on to a breeder based on the Lincs/Notts border – so do watch out for their email with details about their current litters.

      Fingers crossed they can find you your adorable couple – however, we do always warn people that they may not stay friends together for ever, so do always have a contingency plan incase they stop seeing eye to eye as they mature…

      Happy hunting,


  9. Hello,
    I am based in Yorkshire and am looking for a young female. Please could you pass my details onto the breeder or message me with their details so I can get in touch?
    Many thanks 🙂

    • Absolutely Samantha – I will have your nearest breeder contact you as soon as they can. I know they have some pups ready to go…

      Please watch out for their emails in your folders.


  10. Hello again, thank you for your reply. I have been in touch with a man who has sold his duprasi to a breeder who I believe you are in touch with on here and he has spoken to her making her aware I would like the young female. If you could pass her details onto me or mine to her that would be amazing thank you! I am off work all this week so would be perfect to come collect her anytime!

    Thank you!

    • Yes – all true. I am all up to date on this you’ll be glad to know.

      The doops are being returned to their original breeder to continue this adorable line through a new generation, so you have reserved yourself a real cutie! Her father is a huge character and greatly missed I hear.

      Anyway, I will certainly make sure you are contacted regarding this little female as soon as the transfer is confirmed, so do watch out for their email coming shortly.

      Have you got a name in mind already for her or are you going to meet her first before deciding?

      Kind regards,


  11. Thank you so much! I’m so excited! I really like the name pancake but nothing’s for definite, I might get a feel for something else when I meet her.
    Many thanks again
    Samantha 🙂

    • Absolutely Kayleigh.

      I believe that our Lincolnshire breeder has got two nests of pups – one with at least 6 pups in – so I am sure two of those would be females. I will forward your details on and hopefully you will soon be matched up with your new doops.

      How exciting!!!!


      • Kayleigh – have you checked you junk mail box lately – my breeder has been trying to contact you regarding some available pups right now.

        Speak soon,


    • Hi Shaun.

      Our Lincolnshire breeder currently has a few litters of doops that will be ready in the next few weeks – I will get them to contact you and see what they can sort out…

      Good luck,


    • Hi David.

      Our Lincolnshire breeder currently has plenty of pups so should be able to help out. I will pass on your details and they will be in touch.

      Lots of people looking for doops this winter – but they are adorable all year for sure…

      Thanks for visiting,


  12. Hi. I’m really wanting to get 2 duprasi for my daughter for christmas. I’m in York but willing to travel – within reason. Could you put me in touch with any breeders who have 2 doops ready for christmas please. I have my fingers firmly crossed🤞😊 Thanks.

    • Hello Cherridan – and you may be in luck.

      Our Lincolnshire duprasi breeder is my closest contact to you and has got some pups that will be ready for just before Christmas – two litters in the nest I believe, so I will pass on your contact details to them and they should be in touch shortly to get two reserved for sure – if you don’t mind the short drive down…

      Fingers crossed…


  13. Hi, I am after 1 duprasi for my son for Christmas, I am happy to travel. I live in Staffordshire. Are there any litters at the minute.
    Thanks Becky x

  14. I am after 1 duprasi for my son for Christmas, are there any available
    Litters at present? I live in Staffordshire and happy to travel.

  15. I am really sorry if you keep getting my messages, but they do not seem to appear when I post them. So I will try again.

    I live in Staffordshire and I am looking for a duprasi for my son for Christmas. I am happy to travel. Can you please pass on my details to any breeders that have any available. Thank you

    • Hello Becky.

      Not sure why all your messages got caught up somewhere, but they are here now – and yes, I can certainly see if I can find anyone near you who has doops ready to go for Christmas. Have you had doops or other small animals before or will this be your first?


  16. Hi I’m from the USA and am wondering if you know of any fat tailed gerbil breeders or availability here. I have a lot of experience with hamsters but am trying to find something similar looking but longer lived. These seem like a good fit for me but I know they are hard to find. Any advice?

    • Hello Abby.

      I only know a couple of breeders in the US for doops as they are an african species and so can’t be imported – only existing breeders in the country can breed them and I am not sure of state rules either.

      Where are you based and we can go from there…

      Speak soon,


  17. Good evening,
    I am wanting to get a duprasi or a pair or related duprasi if that is possible. Ideally I would just like to talk to someone first to get as much advice on looking after them and go from there.


    • Hello Amanda and welcome to RodentZone – you’re in good hands.

      I will forward your details on to our popular Lincolnshire breeder and hopefully they can answer all your questions as well as supply you with a doop or two as you gain confidence and learn more.

      They will be happy to help with anything doop-related for sure.

      Watch out for their email,


    • Thanks Sarah.

      Yes, of course we can forward those details to our Lincoln doop breeder and they should be in touch soon.

      Happy dooping,


  18. Hiya, I’m looking for a singular male duprasi in the Nottingham/Lincoln area. I have previously owned Mongolian gerbils and found they make fantastic pets but after lots of research I’ve fallen in love with doops! Hopefully you can point me in the direction of a breeder.

    Many thanks,


    • Hey Maria – and yes – we know why you have fallen in love with them as they are so unique!

      We have contacts with many breeders and sources in the Nottingham and Lincolnshire areas so it certainly won’t take us long to get you dibs on a doop for sure. Watch out for an email from one of our most popular breeders in the area to start your search, if they don’t have anything to suit – we will put you in contact with others until we find you something.

      How does that sound for starters?

  19. Hi, I’m looking for a duprasi for my mum, I’m in South yorkshire but can travel, can anyone help me fine a breeder please.

    • Absolutely Louise – and I think we have a few breeders with pups right now.

      Great that you managed to get your mum to fall in love with the little guys too after getting your own one before. Adorable!!!

      Keep an eye out on your emails and hopefully one of them will contact you with an update in the next few days on what they have.

  20. Hi, myself and my partner are looking for a duprasi to spoil and are wiling to wait (it allows us to find the best possible setups etc anyway) until on becomes available.
    We are based in Lincoln, Linconshire, not sure how far of a drive you would be for us?

    • Hi Emily.

      This breeder is only a 15 minute drive from West Lincoln – so hopefully that is close enough for a quick drive!

      They don’t currently have any pups available right now that we are aware of – but we can certainly ask them to add you to their contact list and to get in touch in the next week to answer any questions you may have. And then you can go from there?

      Watch out for their message – even in your junk folder.

    • Absolutely there are Shemaine. Are you looking for a doop right now are or you still researching and setting up?

      We have several people who could be able to help you based in Lincolnshire and close by – depending on your requirements.

      Are you looking for male or female duprasi – and were you looking for a single or pair this time?


  21. Hi, I am looking for a male Duprasi Gerbil to pair with my current Gerbil (rescued) as he seems lonely. I would like some advice on the best way to do this and if it is viable if I have rescued him as a lone Gerbil. I am from Derby so preferably in the East Midlands area. Thanks, Katie X

    • Hi Katie – great that our East Midlands breeders can help you out as they have plenty of pups in the nest currently.

      However, duprasi might not be such good candidates for introductions and it would be something you would be one of the first people to try. They are often quite territorial – and although they often live in pairs without any trouble these are usually mixed as pups or a parent/offspring combinations.

      So, as long as you are happy to rehouse the new pup seperately if it doesn’t quite work out as a new pair – then this is certainly an option.

      Duprasi are most often kept on their own and don’t suffer from any issues living alone that have been noticed – in fact some quite prefer it. So unlike ordinary Mongolian gerbils – it isn’t always advised to find a single a new friend.

      However, that would be totally up to you.

      Let us know your thoughts?

  22. Hi,
    I would like to home a few Doops in Spalding, Lincolnshire. Could you please put me in touch with the nearest breeder.

    Kind regards,

    • Hi Glenn – and welcome to the doop chat.

      We have our main breeder in Lincolnshire – just to the west of Lincoln – and they have pups right now depending on your requirements.

      We shall forward your details and they should be in touch shortly (remember to check your junk folder).

      Fingers crossed they have what you are looking for…


    • Hello.

      And yes, we do have a buyer in Lincolnshire who has had some pups recently. They are just sorting out their current waiting list so hopefully they will be in contact shortly and can see what you are looking for – and hopefully sort you out with a doop of your very own!

      Kind regards,

  23. Hello,
    looking for Doop/duprasi pups. 2 if possible. I live in leicester and happy to travel locally. I have had gerbils for 5 years.


    • We actually have contact with a breeder in Leicester – so we will see if they currently have any pups that are looking for homes.

      Hopefully they aren’t away for the holidays – but we will let you know what they say once they reply.

  24. Hi, I’m trying to find a duprasi for my son. He’s looked after them at his college and has fallen in love with them! Could you put me in touch with any contacts near me, we’re near Leicester and Coventry.

    • Hello again – our breeders in your area currently don’t have any pups available – but our breeder in Lincolnshire does. They are 7 weeks old and ready to go – but not sure if this is too far away for you?

      Do let us know either way…


    • Are you still looking for duprasi – as there may also be another buyer in your area and so there is the possibility of a shared transport to reduce costs?

      Do let us know your thoughts either way – and we will get you a duprasi one way or another.



        • We are still searching for you – and others in your area – as it seems as though the past year has seen the number of duprasi breeders stop breeding for certain. We had assumed it was just due to the difficulty in breeding made worse by the small number of breeding stock some breeders hold – but it seems that the supply of new duprasi – even to breeders – has been a struggle as so many original stock are now too old and many people don’t have the space to start over with a new trio or more of different lines.

          Such a shame – but hopefully the few long-term breeders who held more lines in the first place can keep it going long enough to start distributing more stock around the UK and get things re-started.

          We are always in contact with breeders past, present and new – so there is still hope of new beginnings. However, as said before – if you would consider a courier or a longer drive – there are breeders with pups or at least expected pups.

    • Ah, ok – well we shall keep our eyes open for anyone closer to you when we next contact everyone in our breeder network. Do keep checking (or asking) as larger exotic pet stores in your area – as you could we create a demand yourself – or they may have contacts who mention doops one day and you could be in luck!

      Do keep us updated if you find one…

      • I actually got lucky and found a breeder in grantham that had 3 males available and no waitlist so got a male duprasi from them on this occassion, roughly a week and abit ago.

        that’s ok. I was abit concerned whether it was still active due to no recent comments etc.

        • Great news – we aren’t in contact with that breeder so good to know there is another one in the Midlands for sure.

          The algorithms change all the time and sometimes our pages dont get found in search engines – it’s a bit of a yo-yo effect sometimes…


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