Grapes are always something people are asking about when talking rat treats – as so many other animals shouldn’t really eat them. And they really are toxic to dogs!
But rest assured – rats can eat grapes and all their dried versions too – but just like everything – moderation is the key.
Rats Can Eat The Grapes Themselves:
Red or white grapes are fine for rats to eat with or without the skins – no need to peel them first. They don’t mind the seeds either – although there is no problem with buying seedless only if you would prefer.
You don’t need to cut them up – you can just give them whole, however, if you want to open them up for the more fussy eaters (so they can get straight into the flesh from the off) no-one would mind either way…

Obviously, the fresher the better for these grapes, as the nutrients grapes are famous for are best when they are fresh and firm. Once they start to go soft, they don’t have such health benefits for your rats – but are still tasty. It goes without saying – not to feed grapes that have gone past their best…
Rats Can Eat Grape Stalks And Vines:
Don’t worry about taking off the stalks from the grapes – as they are safe for rats to eat too. Feel free to remove the stalks if you find that your rats just drop them on the ground and make a mess in their cages – but they won’t do them any harm if they eat them.
The vine they come on is safe too for your rats – so feel free to give your rats their own mini bunch of grapes next time you buy them. You can also buy vine woods from pet stores – usually in the reptile section – if you fancy something a bit different for their enclosure…

Can Rats Eat Dried Grapes?
Raisins, sultanas and currants are all just grapes – different types of grapes (hence the different colours and textures) – but basically all just grapes – and rats can eat grapes so these three treats are all good too.
However – as with all dried fruits – they are a more concentrated form of treat than ‘wet’ ones. All this means is that weight for weight – they contain more sugar than an actual grape – so feed them sparingly.

Can Rats Eat Cooked Grapes?
Cooking grapes still means that they are safe for rats to eat – but beware what you are cooking them with (hopefully one of our Auntie Doreen’s delicious rock cakes?).
Needless to say puddings and preserves are full of sugar – not a good idea for your rats at all.
Can Rats Eat Grape Leaves?
If you are growing your own grapes on vines in your garden or on your allotment – you can give your rats the vine leaves – either fresh or dried.
You can offer them cooked if you are that way inclined – as many a great recipe using vine leaves can be found online for us humans to try too.
You can also give them the vines too – as long as they haven’t been treated. Vines need to be trimmed every year anyway – so why not make a fun enrichment toy out of them? Or use them in your bioactive or naturalistic enclosure?
Can Rats Eat Grapes? Absolutely!
Perhaps making your own dishes for your rats with these might be something worth experimenting with as rats can eat so many different foods that this could be a really special treat for them…