Absolutely – I have a whole herd of them myself now and they are all very happy to be around humans – especialy when there is a treat involved!
They aren’t so happy with being held in the same way as rats and hamsters – totally cupped in the hand with no feet on the ground – but they will walk onto your hands, climb up your arms and perch atop your head if you let them.
They are great free-running around the room too and easily come back when called (or have a treat wagged infront of them). Mine follow my fingers too, so I can ‘lead’ them back into the cages at the end of playtime…
Anyway, this article will expand shortly as I get more pictures and spend more time with my little oiks!

Can You Train Persian Jirds?
Yes you can – and more to come on this too. They respond super well to movement and will follow our finger or a stick for anything. Just perfect for Clicker Training.
How Do You Handle Persian Jirds?
Just like you would a chinchilla or degu – they will approach and climb on humans almost every time you open the cage. Just open the front and they are all over you. They do expect a treat or play time though – so have yourself ready for either to get the best result.
Getting them used to being held firmly is a different matter – but not impossible. It is far easier to get them used to sitting still on your hand without panicking at any movement etc. When young, they will often leap off you when the hand moves – towards safety.
So you need to allow them space to get far enough away from what they perceive to be a jumpable distance from their cage or other objects they are familiar with, and the reqard them for sitting still on your hand or arm etc. Then build this up.
Do Persian Jirds Bite?
They can nip – like a pinch really – when they are in their enclosures. They will tell off an intruding arm!
Not all of them will and not all of them do it regularly – but you need to be aware that they might so you don’t react to it when poking around in there.
They don’t break the skin or keep on at it – they just usually pinch you we would call it. Enough to make you jump when it is your toes while they are out free-running behind you!