So, you want to find yourself some Shaw’s Jird pups for sale in the UK – but you are having trouble? We are here to help.
Shaw’s Jirds used to be quite popular pets back at the turn of the century – but then people lost interest in the bigger jirds and gerbils – favouring the rise in degus and other exotics. However, they are making a comeback right now.
We are starting to find out more about them and the way to better care for them and so people have started breeding them again all over the country. Something different for sure.
So, if you are considering some jirds – basically giant gerbils – then look no further. We are going to be building up this post to contain all the known breeders in the UK and their locations. We also then hope to update this thread with current litters (Shaw’s Jirds breed all year round – and frequently!!!).

Shaw’s Jird Breeders In The UK:
Shown below are the current known breeders and the stock they hold:
East Midlands – Pups Available Right Now – ready to home today
Greater Manchester – Breeder on hold – waiting list not available
South-East Coast – Pups Available Now – ready to reserve
Updated January 2025

Hi, don’t know if this is an old ad, but do you have any of the baby/young jirds still for sale. Lost my last one on Friday. Miss her so much. Please respond. I live in the East midlands,
Hello Shari – and we are sure that this breeder still has some pups available.
They are amazing aren’t they?
We will pass on your email to our East Midlands breeder – and hopefully they should get back to you if they still have some.
Speak soon,
Thank you so much for responding. Will very much look forward to hearing from you or the East Mids breeder, Thank you
Yes, they have said they will contact you – so do check in your spam/junk folders if you haven’t already heard.
Also, get back to us if you still haven’t heard anything by the weekend – and we can resend your details – just incase.
Fingers crossed!
Oh that is promising news. Checked my junk folders but have not heard anything yet.
I know I have to be patient, so will look forward to their response.
Thank you so much,
I’m sorry about that – I will chase them again – they had said they would be in touch. Perhaps they have just been super busy?
Hi I’m in the East Midlands mansfield area and was wondering if you could put me in contact with some breeders as not many pet shops around my are sell the persian jirds if u could contact me please I would really appreciate it x
Hello there – and yes both Persians and Shaws aren’t easy to come by on demand!
We know a breeders of Shaw’s in the Nottinghamshire area – and we breed Persians ourselves (Lincolnshire) as well as know another breeder much further west. We can certainly ask them both what their stocks are like up-to-date.
What and how many of either were you looking at acquiring?
Hi, thanks for all the hard work chasing the East Mids breeder to get in contact. I heard yesterday, but it wasn’t successful. Appreciate your input and I’m still looking….
Oh – didn’t they have the right combination for you?
Perhaps if you are happy to courier – I can ask a few people further further afield?
We’ll get there.
No, it was merely the price! Maybe I’m behind the times, but all of my previous jirds have cost alot less, or even been given to me. We’re happy to travel if restrictions allow ~ within reason. (I’m in Lincoln) Would appreciate a heads up if you locate some/one, thank you.
We do know another breeder in the West Midlands – so will get in touch and see if they have any – and a ball-park price incase it is similar anyway?
The more unusual jirds have dropped in numbers since we had them a few decades ago, so maybe that explains the increased asking price? We spent years trying to find any Persians in the UK.
Speak soon,
I could push to about £35.00-ish. I’ve had a couple of Persian jirds myself about 2004, (Freddie and Feebs) they were gorgeous and had such long tails, but both of them had fits. Eventually one died from having a fit and the other one lived about a year after. I got them from a breeder in Manchester, but I believe he’s not breeding rodents anymore.
No worries – we have made contact with another breeder already just waiting to hear on ball-park costs as they are older Shaws they have – not pups.
As for Persians – aren’t they just amazing creatures? Beautiful, elegant and intelligent – we just love ours! This same breeders does Persians too, but doesn’t have until until later in the season. Our Persians really stick to the ‘seasonal’ part – so we won’t have any for homing until late summer either.
Anyway – speak soon.
We live in the South West, Devon, and have been looking to buy gerbils, however after learning more about Shaw Jirds in your site and, I think they sound like a nicer pet. Would you know if there are any breeders down this end?
Thank you!
Hi. Well, South-West Devon isn’t somewhere we know of any Shaw’s breeders. We may have contacts in Bristol or Swindon – but if you are considering courier transport anyway – there are other breeders further north (who wouldn’t cost any more to transport than those closer to you) who we know hav Shaw’s right now.
Let us know your thoughts.
Hi – hope someone is reading this – I m looking for Jirds – Persian Jirds I guess or are they also called Shaws Jirds – pls would you advice if you know of any breeders
Thanks in advance
Hello Singh.
They are two different things these jirds. Persian Jirds (Merionies persicus) are more arboreal and a bit dainty; whereas Shaw’s Jird (Meriones shawi) are more like giant gerbils and ground-based.
Whereabouts are you – as we know breeders of both species – so are you looking for a digging tank-based jird or a climbing cage-based jird?
Both are awesome!
Hi there,
I am very eager to purchase some shaws jirds (preferably a trio) after loosing mine a couple years back. I miss them so much and have exhausted the internet trying to find breeders. Are there any breeders in the South West of England? Somerset, Dorset or Devon? Or any breeders in Sussex/Surrey? Or a last resort, any in Herefordshire or Worcestershire? Thankyou, I would really appreciate a response.
Hi Rebecca.
The only current Shaw’s breeder we have details for is in Notts – is that too far? We can check with them what their stocks are and perhaps using a courier could save time and money in that case (usually around £45 per collection).
Just wondered if there was any breeders in South West or South East that are currently breeding Shaws Jirds?
Hello there – and glad to find another soul who is looking for Shaw’s jirds. They are amazing.
There currently aren’t many breeders advertising pups, as they seem to be a boom or bust critter – but we are sure there are several keepers still keeping these little jirds in the limelight – so we will contact a few and see where we are.
There is one breeder of many exotic rodents in Hampshire called Fathom Exotics that you can look up yourself – but we haven’t seen them list Shaw’s for a while though. Worth a shot in the mean time.
Let us know how you get on…
Hi there,
I previously owned Shaw’s Jirds which I actually got from a small zoo I was working at. Since their passing I’ve been looking to replace, but haven’t had any luck finding any. I would be very grateful if you could put me in contact with any breeders local the South West – Somerset. If not, anyone who can have them transported here would be great.
Thanks so much!
Hi Sally – and you might be in luck with some new Shaw’s. We are in contact with several breeders of these beauties – but none too close to you.
We will check with a few and get back to you if that’s ok? There is a small Shaw’s FB group (Shaw’s Jibber Jabber) – so might be worth asking on there if you can too incase any new breeders have started up.
Fingers crossed…
We have an older Shaws (15month female) looking for home in Cheshire (along with a young Tristrams Jird) and several Shaw’s and soon to be older Persians) in an exotic pet store in Nottinghamshire.
Neither are close of course – but may be able to arrange a courier.
Alternatively, there is a breeder of other Trsitrams jirds in Wiltshire who just had a litter?
Something to start with at least.
Hi, I wonder if you know of any Shaw’s breeders in the south of the UK near Southampton? There was a breeder near me a few years ago, but sadly he has given up. I just recently lost my 2 gerbils and would like to go back to a Jird, but they are always so hard to find. I’ve owned Shaw’s and Sundervals before and have found them to be really nice pets. I’d also consider Persians, but I’ve no experience with them. Would they be much different to the other Jirds that I’ve owned and are they any easier to come by?
Thanks for any help.
Hello – and it would be great to get back into jirds to keep the fancy alive. They aren’t as common as they used to be.
There is a group online (FB) for Rare Gerbils and Jirds where different types are available to discuss and to learn more about – and sometimes home. Shaw’s are more often seen than Sundevals – but there are quite a few Persian breeders around right now – although they are very different to other jirds – more like chinchilla-degu-fancy rat types with climbing, communal living and intelligence hig on their lists. They also have a lifespan up to around 7-8 years too so quite different to other smaller jirds and gerbils.
We don’t know any details for Shaw’s breeders down that way although there are many other jirds being bred – and breeders in Swindon and Brighton having some more unusual ones – so perhaps search for the above group online and get asking. What an exciting new beginning for you!
Happy hunting,
Hi, my family live in Swindon, can you let me know the contact details of that breeder please? Plus any Persian Jird breeders, i’d be happy to pay for a courier if needed.
Hello – unfortunately the Swindon breeder doesn’t have a waiting list – so doesn’t take people details unless they currently have available stock – and they don’t often advertise when they do. They are often on the Exotic Gerbil and Jirds FB group though – so worth asking on there as broadly as you can. There is a live post for Persians on there too that you can join on to but the main breeder in your area has recently sold their last 2021 Persians.
They are seasonal breeders though and the season should start again in March – so hopefully from May onwards would be a good time to pick up your search on those. Shaw’s and other jirds breed throughout the year generally so should be less of an issue.
Hi, I’m looking for Shaw’s jirds please. We are in Sheffield but willing to travel within reason. I would be very grateful if you could point me in the right direction. Thank you in advance!
Hello there – and what a great choice with a Shaw’s jird!
We will contact our two breeders in your area and see if they have any pups yet this year. Shaw’s breed all your round (unlike Persians) so hopefully someone has a litter near you…
Speak soon.
Thank you for getting back to me. That’s great.
Look forward to hearing from you!
Hi again – just to say the MARP (Mansfield Aquatic Reptil & Pet Centre) have some Shaws!!! They added an image of one on their FB page yesterday.
They always ask to see your enclosure for them before purchase – unless you are buying the enclosure of them at the time of course.
Give them all call on 01623 431939 – or visit them in person.
How exciting!
Thank you! I’ve contacted them but unfortunately they only have one that’s about a year old. I was preferably after a pair of pups. I’m going to keep looking!
I’m looking for a shaws jird and wondered if you know of a breeder in the Cheshire / Manchester area?
Any help would be appreciated thanks
Hi, and we are quite short on Shaw’s breeders in your area right now, however, we can certainly ask around again and see what we can find. We do know a jird breeder in Cheshire, but not sure if they have an Shaw’s
We’ll message them right now and get back to you. Is it just a single that you want?
We have spoken to a few breeders now and there is no luck.
Several years ago, plenty of breeders took up the Shaw’s species and got the numbers up – but they were such prolofic pup producers that there were never enough homes to keep up – so many then stopped breeding them and rehomed most of their stock because they can certainly take up a lot of room with their larger enclosures.
Unfortunately, now they are becoming popular again, there aren’t enough to go around!!!
Fingers crossed we manage to find some though.
Do you know of any young Shaw’s around at the moment in the UK?
Many thanks,
Hello there – and you are right – Shaw’s are a bit tricky to come by.
We know of a wonderful breeder in Cheshire; a breeder (through a reliable pet store) in Nottinghamshire; and a breeder in Sussex (who we haven’t heard from in a while). We will get in touch with them for sure and see who’s who.
Fingers crossed,
Hello – are there currently and Shaws Jirds breeders with pups available soon? We are in South Yorkshire but happy to travel within reason. We did look last year but no joy!
We haven’t heard of anyone with Shaw’s pups for a while now – although there used to be 2 breeding in Notts that we will try to get back in touch with.
Fingers crossed…
Hi, thanks for enquiring for me. Any luck at all? Cheers!
Hi, I now have some Shaw’s Jirds available. Babies and breeding pairs. Based in Portsmouth but travel around.
Hi Matthew, I left a comment a few years back looking for a shaws jird ! how much are they? do you travel to the Cheshire area at all? Thanks
Hi Rach, contact me through Facebook –